Someone asked today about a C# sample for Iterating though mailboxes stores in a storage group in C#. There's a lack of good samples out there that show this at the moment so I threw one quickly together. One thing that recently changed with the release of the latest Exchange SDK is that Microsoft has "removed support for CDOEXM in ASP and ASP.NET Web pages Because of issues with multiple-hop authentication and unexpected results observed in multithreaded runtime environments" see I've put a downloadable copy of this code here CDOEXM.IExchangeServer iExs; CDOEXM.IStorageGroup iSg; CDOEXM.MailboxStoreDB iMdb; CDOEXM.PublicStoreDB iPf; iExs = new CDOEXM.ExchangeServerClass(); iSg = new CDOEXM.StorageGroupClass(); iMdb = new CDOEXM.MailboxStoreDBClass(); iPf = new CDOEXM.PublicStoreDBClass(); string snServername = "servername"; iExs.DataSource.Open(snServername,null,A...