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Showing posts from April, 2007

Reporting on the Top 10 largest emails in each users mailbox in Exchange

Someone asked for a script last week to show the top 5 largest emails by size in each user’s mailbox being a Letterman fan (yep we get it here in Aus just no all the jokes) I tough I’d post it as a Top 10 script. You can expand on this concept to really look at the Top 10 of anything in your user's mailbox's (drum roll at meeting not included). The script is basically the mailbox content age script I posted a while ago modified to instead create a disconnected record-set of the largest 10 items in each folder in a mailbox and then basically sort this list at the end of the mailbox scan and write the top 10 largest items for each user to a separate htm file in the reports directory. To limit the query to only return the top 10 largest items in each folder the query uses the order by SQL verb to sort the result by the item size and to limit the number of results returned the range header is used in WebDAV eg req.setRequestHeader "Range", "rows=0-9" ...

Understanding the TimeZone setting with the GetUserAvailability Operation in Exchange Web Services in Exchange 2007

Updated 12/7/2007 with the proper method of using the registry than ks to Benjamin Spain from MSFT for pointing this out Using TimeZones is very different in EWS then it is in other Exchange API’s like CDOEX where the time zone configuration itself is stored in the DLL (hence causing the need to patch the dll every time the government decides to change the date for Daylight savings). I’ve been working on some GetUserAvailibility code and it’s been a bit of a struggle to get my head around the new format and how to make this flexible (eg no hard coding Bias values or Daylight Saving settings) in the code I’m using so I thought I’d put together a post to share what I’ve learned. To populate the TimeZone information in a GetUserAvailability Operation you need to set the properties in a GetUserAvailabilityRequestType object so the following nodes will be populated in the SOAP request. <TimeZone> <Bias>...</Bias> <StandardTime>...</StandardTime> <DaylightTi...

Showing the percentage of Store being used by a User (or Users) on Exchange 2003 and 2007

If you haven’t been able to implement Mailbox quotas in your Exchange organization then you will probably find some users are using a large percentage of the used (or allocated space) in your Exchange database when compared to other users. If you work out this on a percentage basis this information can come in handy if you want to try to charge back to certain groups the cost of storing that information. E.g. you use this percentage of the resource so you pay this percentage of the cost (tell him he’s dreaming). I’ve put together a couple of scripts to help show this information as well as some other basic information about the user. The first couple of scripts show all the important information about a particular user. It takes one parameter which is the samaccountname and then does a AD Lookup and returns information about what Server the users mailbox is on what version of Exchange that mailserver is running what mailstore the mailbox is located in and what storage group that mailst...

WebService to Find Room and Equipment Mailboxes in Exchange 2007

In Exchange 2007 one of the new features is resource mailboxes out of the box you have two types of these mailboxes Room mailbox and Equipment mailbox. I’m rewriting some Intranet Meeting availability pages at the moment to work with Exchange Web Services and one thing you can’t do in EWS is run a query to find all these type of objects in your Exchange Organization. There are also a bunch of new features such as being able to set the resource capacity (eg how many people a room can hold) and custom resource properties (eg what type of things are in the room such as a whiteboard, projector etc). As this information is all stored in Active Directory you need to use LDAP to query this information. Because this is the type of thing I might want to use in multiple applications I thought I’d put together a little WebService that I could consume that would query this information on behalf of the requesting application and return information about the resource mailboxes firstly their email ad...

Tracking Permission Changes to Mailbox rights and Send As – Receive As ACE’s in Exchange

First up this script is not designed to audit who is making changes to permissions in Exchange. Tracking who is making changes to Active Directory objects in a distributed Network with multiple DC’s is not an easy thing to do my advice is if you need to do this hit the Google trail or look at third party products. What this script does is give visibility of permission changes to users mailboxes/accounts made via ADUC via Exchange Mailbox Rights and Send-As/Receive as rights on the user object. It basically works by creating an XML file that is a snapshot of the current explicitly added rights on an Exchange Mailbox and any ACE’s that grant the extended rights for send and receive as. The next time the script runs it takes another snapshot of the rights and then using a couple of Scripting Dictionary object s does a comparison and finds Add ,Deletes or Permission changes and then produces a HTML report of these changes. To extend the usefulness of this script I’ve created a version that...
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

All code contained herein is provided to you "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind. The implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed.