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Showing posts from September, 2017

Using the Office365/Exchange 2016 REST API Calendaring

When it comes to Messaging API's there no more complex thing then calendaring, not only because most vendors implement things a little differently but Exchange also has a little legacy feature drag because of its length of time in the market place and the difficulties in changing the technology and human interaction with it. The new REST API offers yet another window into calendaring on Office 365 and Exchange 2016 with a major security benefit over its predecessor which is the ability to be able to scope your application access so it can only access the Calendar folders in a Mailbox where previously apps may have needed to have Full Rights or impersonation rights on a Calendar. Also the new REST API allows you to interact with Group Calendars (or Teams Calendar) so leveraging the new REST API to value add to the adoption of these new features can be a worth your while. To Support Calendaring I've added 2 new cmdlets to the Exch-Rest module to handle creating Appointments and
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