How to test SMTP using Opportunistic TLS with Powershell and grab the public certificate a SMTP server is using
Most email services these day employ Opportunistic TLS when trying to send Messages which means that wherever possible the Messages will be encrypted rather then the plain text legacy of SMTP. This method was defined in RFC 3207 "SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over Transport Layer Security" and there's a quite a good explanation of Opportunistic TLS on Wikipedia . This is used for both Server to Server (eg MTA to MTA) and Client to server (Eg a Message client like Outlook which acts as a MSA) the later being generally Authenticated. Basically it allows you to have a normal plain text SMTP conversation that is then upgraded to TLS using the STARTTLS verb. Not all servers will support this verb so if its not supported then a message is just sent as Plain text. TLS relies on PKI certificates and the administrative issue s that come around certificate management like expired certificates which is why I wrote th