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Showing posts from March, 2015

Export calendar Items to a CSV file using EWS and Powershell

Somebody asked about this last week and while I have a lot of EWS scripts that do access the Calendar I didn't have a simple example that just exported a list of the Calendar events with relevant information to a CSV file so here it is. I've talked on this one before in this howto  but when you query the calendar folder using EWS you need to use a CalendarView which will expand any recurring appointments in a calendar. There are some limits when you use a calendarview in that you can only return a maximum of 2 years of appointments at a time and paging will limit the max number of items to 1000 per call. So if you have a calendar with a very large number of appointments you need to break your query into small date time blocks. In this example script I'm just grabbing the next 7 days of appointments if you want to query a longer period you need to adjust the following lines (keeping in mind what I just mentioned) #Define Date to Query $StartDate = (Get-Dat...
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