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Showing posts from 2019

Update to ExchangeContacts Module to support Modern Auth,Exporting all Contacts to a VCF file (or CSV) ,NON_IPM root folder,hidden contact folders and dumpster exports

I've done some updating of my ExchangeContacts PowerShell module to support the following Modern Authentication in Office365 (distributing the ADAL dll with this module) Compiled and distributed the latest version of the EWS Managed API from GitHub with the module New cmdlet Export-EXCContacts that supports exporting all contacts in a Folder to a single VCF File New cmdlet Export-EXCContacts that supports exporting all contacts to a CSV file (this was already possible with the ExportFolder cmdlet but this is a slightly enhanced format) New cmldet Export-EXCRootContacts lets you export the Non_IPM Subtree folders that contain contacts. (Some of these are created by the Office365 substrate process) for example mycontacts, AllContacts, ContactSearch folders etc. Include dedup code based on Email Address in this cmdlet This is already supported but I wanted to show how you can export the Hidden Contacts Folder likes Recipient Cache, Gal and Organizational Contacts New cmdlet

Creating a year at a glance Calendar (in Excel) from aggregated Shared Calendars in Exchange Online within a Microsoft Teams Tab app using the Microsoft Graph

Calendaring formats in Messaging Clients tend to all follow much the same approach whether its Outlook, Outlook on the Web or Mobile, Gmail or Microsoft Teams .  Like email data, calendar data can be random and complex in its volume and type (recurring appointments etc) so a simple year at a glance calendar for someone designing a mass market client is hard to do well for all the data types and volumes that you could encounter, therefor its not something you see in mail clients by default (lets face it who wants to support that). In the absence of year at a glance calendars  I was surprised to see people using Excel to create yearly aggregated calendars in Microsoft Teams for events (for data that already existed in shared Calendars). But more surprisingly is that it actually kind of worked well when there wasn't a lot of data that needed to be shown. The one thing that sprang to my mind was if you could automate this it  would be really good for people who use the Birthday cale

How to test SMTP using Opportunistic TLS with Powershell and grab the public certificate a SMTP server is using

Most email services these day employ Opportunistic TLS when trying to send Messages which means that wherever possible the Messages will be encrypted rather then the plain text legacy of SMTP.  This method was defined in RFC 3207 "SMTP Service Extension for Secure SMTP over Transport Layer Security" and  there's a quite a good explanation of Opportunistic TLS on Wikipedia .  This is used for both Server to Server (eg MTA to MTA) and Client to server (Eg a Message client like Outlook which acts as a MSA) the later being generally Authenticated. Basically it allows you to have a normal plain text SMTP conversation that is then upgraded to TLS using the STARTTLS verb. Not all servers will support this verb so if its not supported then a message is just sent as Plain text. TLS relies on PKI certificates and the administrative issue s that come around certificate management like expired certificates which is why I wrote th

Doing Mailbox Change discovery with an EWS PowerShell Script

Mailbox Change discovery is the process of looking at any folders or items that are new or have been modified recently in a Mailbox. Its useful in a number of different ways including (but not limited to) Looking at what objects a third party Addin is creating or modifying in your mailbox Help to work out which FAI (Folder Associated Item) is being modified when changes are made to the configuration in Outlook or Outlook on the Web (this can be useful if you then want to automate those changes in your own scripts) Fixing client issues caused by corrupt or bad items (eg if you've ever used MFCMapi to delete and Item that's causing a particular client function not to work correctly) Getting an understanding of how the backend scaffolding of new features work in Outlook on the Web (eg looking at what the substrate Is doing in Office365)  If you have ever looked recently at the Non_IPM Root folder of any Office365 Mailbox you can see by the large number of folders that are

Using the MSAL (Microsoft Authentication Library) in EWS with Office365

Last July Microsoft announced here they would be disabling basic authentication in EWS on October 13 2020 which is now a little over a year away. Given the amount of time that has passed since the announcement any line of business applications or third party applications that you use that had been using Basic authentication should have been modified or upgraded to support using oAuth. If this isn't the case the time to take action is now. When you need to migrate a .NET app or script you have using EWS and basic Authentication you have two Authentication libraries you can choose from ADAL - Azure AD Authentication Library (uses the v1 Azure AD Endpoint) MSAL - Microsoft Authentication Library (uses the v2 Microsoft Identity Platform Endpoint) the most common library you will come across in use is the ADAL libraries because its been around the longest, has good support across a number of languages and allows complex authentications scenarios with support for SAML etc. The
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

All code contained herein is provided to you "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind. The implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed.