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Showing posts from September, 2016

Search for Credit Card numbers in Address Book\Contact data using EWS

Information security and data breaches are a hot topic at the moment, there seems to be a constant stream of data breaches and vulnerabilities in different products being exploited on a daily basis. One topic that was brought up in the last few weeks has been Address Book data  . Address books can be the proverbial open window on the house with bars on door and maybe not something that is commonly thought about.  If you want to detect if people are using Address book to store confidential information it can be a challenge because this data isn't searchable via a conventional eDiscovery type search. But this is where a scripted enumeration and filtering approach can do the job. I posted a Contacts Powershell module that consolidated a lot of EWS contacts function into one script last year so for this post I've extended this to include a Search that will enumerate all the contacts in a Mailbox...

How to Like\Unlike an Item using EWS in Exchange Online

Likes and Mentions are a new feature in Exchange Online (in OWA) that was introduced late last year in First Release for Office365. With the focused Inbox now being rolled out to replace clutter these are some of the new social user curation type features that could change the user experience (hopefully for the better) in the coming years. While none of these features are new to those people using other Social platforms like facebook, twitter etc they do offer a world of new possibilities to those that have a little imagination. In this post I'm going to look at how you can Like an item using Exchange Web Services eg Currently there is no real documentation on the use of Likes in any API or how they are delivered in Exchange Online so care should be taken as this may mean the feature is subject to change in any of the future service updates. Versioning your Requests To use likes fully you need to make sure you version your EWS requests (which...
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

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