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Showing posts from 2013

Using Sender Flags in EWS

Sender Flags are an Outlook Feature that allow you to set a follow up flag on Message when your sending it as well as being able to set a Recipient Followup flag if you want to. (eg) What happens in Exchange when you set a Sender Flag on a Message is documented in the Informational Flagging Protocol document  . If you want to do the same thing to a Message your sending in EWS there is nothing in the strongly typed classes to help out so you need to manually set two of the extended properties that are documented in that protocol document before you send the message and the Store will do the rest on submit. (More specifically what happens with the properties involved is documented here  ) The important properties that are involved with sender flags are the PidTagSwappedToDoData which is used to Store the information about what sender flags your

Mapping what Folders are in use in ActiveSync with EWS and Powershell

[***Ingo Gegenwarth has published an better version of this script that handles the changes made recently to ActiveSync on Exchange Online see ] I came across an interesting Blog post this week from Jim Martin which explains how the ActiveSync Folders located under the device folder in ExchangeSyncData folder tree map back to the real Mailbox folder that is being synchronized or accessed via ActiveSync. This information is pretty useful for a number of things so I thought it would be useful to put a script together to automate and create a report of these folder mapping using EWS and Powershell. How it works is the ExchangeSyncData is located in the NON_IPM_Subtree of a mailbox so a few FindFolder calls are needed to find this folder and then get all the Folders associated with any Ac

Turning off the Reading / Preview Pane on all folders in OWA in Exchange 2013 and Exchange Online in EWS with Powershell

Exchange 2013 and Exchange Online has a cool new feature in OWA to let you control the Reading pane setting on all folders in your Mailbox in OWA eg. (in previous versions you had to manage it yourself per folder). When you set this setting in OWA and check the "Apply to all folders" box, in your mailbox it sets a configuration setting called GlobalReadingPanePosition in the OWA.UserOptions FAI (Folder Associated Item) in the Non_IPM Root of your Mailbox. The following values control the position of the Reading Pane on all folders 0 - Hides the Reading Pane 1 - Shows the Reading Pane on the Rights (this is the default) 2 - Shows the Reading Pane at the bottom To Access this FAI Item in EWS you use the UserConfiguration class which makes accessing the Roaming Dictionary structure where this particular value is held really easy. Eg the following script will turn the Reading pane off on all Folders in the mailbox its ran against. I've put a download of this script

Creating a Shared Calendar Shortcut (WunderBar Link) with EWS and Powershell

Shared Calendar Shortcuts eg are an Outlook and OWA  feature that can be handy to automate if you need to deploy a number of these to new (or existing) mailboxes and you don't want to go through the invitation/accept procedure or manually adding each shortcut. While there are no supported operations in EWS for creating these type of objects, it can be achieved by setting the Extended MAPI properties that constitute the shortcut. The downside of this is that it wouldn't ever be considered supported if it all goes horribly wrong. The properties involved in the shortcut are documented in the following protocol document . For a couple of these properties the values you need to get can't be obtained directly in EWS so some others tricks are needed. The PidTagWlinkAddressBookEID property contains the MAPI address Book EntryId for the shared Calendar your connecting to. The Address Book EntryID format is
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

All code contained herein is provided to you "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind. The implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed.