Hot on the heels of last weeks resubmit tool I decided to rework this a little so it could also be used to resubmit messages from an NDR notification that may have been wrongly addressed. If you have configured your SMTP virtual servers to send a copy of Non delivery Recipients to a mailbox you’ll get a copy of all the NDR’s your server produces. Now in a large environment this is probably next to useless because of the number of messages you may receive but in small companies it may be a reasonable thing to do to allow you catch mis-addressed emails. But once you have received a badly addressed email if you try to resubmit that email from the NDR using Outlook (Resend) the sender address will be set to your email address which may confuse replies. So what this tool does it firstly extracts the original message from the NDR (if possible) and then allows you to specify the proper email address you want to submit it to and it will then resubmit the email so when it arrives at the recipi...
Pushing the Envelope in Messaging and Office 365 Development