A lot of times when your evaluating or testing code you may want to create some temporary mailboxes very quickly to test this or that. In Exchange 2007 the Exchange Command Shell’s new-mailbox commandlet gives a quick way of doing this. But because of the complexities of actually creating a mailbox eg knowing the Conical name of the OU and the name of the database you want to put it into etc actually typing all these values isn’t a fast or easy task. If your scripting this its not such a big deal because when your creating the script you can just cut and paste the values into your script and then you can run the thing a number of times and not have to worry about it. The Exchange Management Console provides wizards to create a mailbox but like all wizards they are designed to be easy to use not fast. So what I decided to do was see if I could put together a small 1 page form that you could run from the Exchange Command shell that would allow me to quickly put in the information that I...
Pushing the Envelope in Messaging and Office 365 Development