Version 4 has now been released that includes mailbox quotas here I've been promising to update this for a while to fix a few issues and fulfill of few requests . I've switched the FolderSize code from using EWS to query the foldersizes to now use the Get-MailboxFolderStatistics Cmdlet instead. This makes the code a lot more functional and easy to use and doesn't require all that messing around with Impersonation and SSL (I kind of missed the whole Get-MailboxFolderStatistics cmdlet but it was fun building the EWS stuff anyway). I've also now used DataGrids to display the result which means it is now sortable (Yeah!) you can now sort to your hearts content on any of the displayed columns. The only thing with Datagrid 's because of the threading issue with Powershell i couldn't use the click event so to display the foldersize you need to select the mailbox you want to show and then click the Get Folder Size button. Another feature I've added is the ability ...
Pushing the Envelope in Messaging and Office 365 Development