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Showing posts from June, 2008

More fun with combining mutliple Powershell cmdlets to produce reports

Over the years one of the most popular and useful scripts i've written and gotten feedback and questions on is the various mailbox size scripts i've posted here and on Outlookexchange. The fact that this functionality has been pulled from the GUI in Exchange 2007 doesn't appear to have been a very popular decision amongst sysadmins i guess the majority of which don't want to look at a line of code or script. While this blog/post isn't probably for those people If you are really ruing the loss of Mailbox size information out of the GUI don't think about what you have lost but whats been gained through the flexibility of Powershell and the Exchange Cmdlets. GUI's are great for displaying simple information but anyone who's been working in IT for any length of time knows that requests are rarely simple and not always logical when dealing with management. Trying to make information you export from a GUI display the way you want can be time consuming and ted...

Creating a new public folder and setting the permissions via EWS

I’ve had a couple of questions about this one based on a previous post that no-one really seemed to understand (oh and there was a bug in the code in post). Permissions aren't an easy subject and EWS doesn’t really give a straight forward method of manipulating ACL's but once you understand the basics its generally functional. It’s one thing you do need to dedicate some time too to get your logic right. I posted a calendar permissions helper for powershell a couple of months back I thought this would be a pretty simple task but when I started to test the library it ended up taking a numbers of hours to get the logic right. To summarize the things to watch out for when setting permission via EWS two important points are. The first is that the ACE’s for the EWS security roles enumerations and Outlook roles don’t match. There are only sutle differences but if you need these roles to marry up in Outlook you need to include your own routines to do this. When you want to modify...
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

All code contained herein is provided to you "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind. The implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed.