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Showing posts from November, 2009

Basic Powershell script to show appointments from a calendar using the EWS Managed API

One of the more common tasks you might turn to use one of the Exchange API's for is to enumerate appointments in one or more users calendars. This can be useful for a number of reasons and applications and scripts, the EWS Managed API makes getting calendar appointment pretty easy using a script once you understand a few of the fundamentals around how calendar appointment's are stored. Appointments unlike messages are more complex objects eg where an email would only represent one object in a folder an appointment if its recurring or a recurring exception or a deleted occurrence could represent one more calendar appointments. So its important not just to do a finditems query like you would with Email messages as this will return just the base instances of each appointment object. What you should do when querying for calendar appointments is its important to use a CalendarView, what this means is that when you query for appointments you specify a date range (start and end) f...

Changing what OutlookAnywhere proxy a pc is using remotely via a script

During the course of migrating from one version of Exchange to the another version of Exchange or just moving between servers you might come across the need to shift some of your OultookAnywhere users who are proxying through one CAS server to another without taking the existing CAS server offline and letting autodiscover sort it out. Well i did so here's how you can do it First of all this script only works if you can connect to the target pc via WMI remotly and access the registry. If this is all good here's what the script needs to do . First things first is you need to work out the machine name of the PC you want to connect to and the username of the user you want to move. Eg Get-Logonstatitics | select Username,ClientIpAddress should provide that (you may have to use the IISlog files to workout if they are using OutlookAnywhere). Now we have the hostname orIpAddress of the machine we want to target we now need to work out the SID of the user. Why you ask well where going t...

Reporting on Outlook Anywhere users from the IIS logs using Powershell

Logs files are great things but as with a lot of things the hidden value of these resources is often hard to see at there face value. I had a very simple problem this week where i needed to know which users where using Outlook Anywhere and what their IPAddress where. For this the IIS logs could more then provide an answer for this but these log files and get quite large and contain a mix of different information not just Outlook http/rpc traffic. One of the main challenges you have when looking at IIS logs files is that depending on who enabled logging the Fields and the order they are being logged in may differ. So a parser/script you write to work against one set of logs might not work against another server. To solve this problem is quite simple when a log file is created at the top of the log file on line 4 is written the field format for the file. So if you first read this line parse it into a Hashtable and index it by the fieldname we then know what the index array value will be ...
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

All code contained herein is provided to you "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind. The implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed.