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Showing posts from March, 2011

Exchange 2010 Administrator Audit log Powershell GUI

An interesting and useful new feature of Exchange 2010 is Administrator audit logging where each time a EMS cmdlet is run in the Exchange in the EMS, EMC or ECP this is logged. Within ECP you can do a search of the admin Audit logs and have the result emailed to you and what you receive in your inbox is an email with an a attachment called searchresult.xml. While this file contains a lot of great information there are a few problems with this format for administrators firstly is that OWA and Oultook will usually block the XML attachments so it can firstly be hard to get to the attachment. Secondly XML isn't the most readable format when it comes to trying to intemperate what was going on especially if you search across a larger number of days. So what I've put together is a GUI that first uses the EWS Managed API to find these any of these emails within your inbox and then gives you the option of exporting the raw xml or converting the XML to a CSV file or lastly using a sep...

Dealing with Invalid Delegates with Exchange Web Services and Powershell

Invalid delegates have always been a tricky issue in Exchange an Invalid delegate happens when a mailbox that has a delegate setup and the delegate user account is deleted or disabled(has the Exchange attributes removed). When your using the EWS delegate operations and a mailbox has an invalid delegate you get a message back to tell you the delegate doesn't map to an active directory user however it doesn't tell you who that user was and what type of delegate access that user had. You also can't use the EWS delegate operations to remove a user in this state so you end up with a kind of stalemate solution that requires a manual delete with Outlook. Before going any further its worth covering briefly what happens when you add a delegate to mailbox within Oultook there are three areas of the delegator's mailbox that gets modified. Local freebusy object in the mailbox Permissions on folders that are given access to Rules collection if forward meeting requests option se...

Using the PR_Folder_Path property in Exchange Web Services to show the folder path

The PR_Folder_PathName Mapi property is a useful property to use when migrating an application that uses WebDAV to EWS where the webdav application has used the DAV:href property paths or if you just want to display the fullpath to a folder delimited by "\" which may useful for other applications. The PR_Folder_PathName property returns the fullpath to a folder that is delimited by the byte order mark FE-FF so if you want to return a \ delimited path you need to replace these values in the Unicode string that is returned when you retrieve this property. eg in the managed API static void getPath(ExchangeService service) { ExtendedPropertyDefinition PR_Folder_Path = new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(26293, MapiPropertyType.String); PropertySet psPropSet = new PropertySet(BasePropertySet.FirstClassProperties) { PR_Folder_Path }; Folder foFolder = Folder.Bind(service, WellKnownFolderName.RecoverableItemsDeletions, psPropSet); Object fpPath = ...
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

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