Message classifications have been around since Exchange 2007 and are a feature of Exchange that allows you to setup your email system to add classification to messages to comply with e-mail policies and regulatory responsibilities that Governments and other bodies may require of an organization. If you want to set a message classification on a Message your sending pro-grammatically via EWS you need to first find out what the GUID of the classification you want to set is. There are a few ways of doing this the easiest is using the Get-MessageClassification cmdlet the value you will need for your app or script is the ClassificationID which represents the PidLidClassificationGuid Mapi property which if you’re playing around with Transport Agents this gets converted into the x-ms-exchange-organization-classification x-header. You can also grab it out of your classification xml file if you have deployed it to Outlook. All the propert...
Pushing the Envelope in Messaging and Office 365 Development