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Showing posts from September, 2011

Getting Size and Item details for single folders in Exchange 2003 via Powershell

While this is now something you can do in one line in Exchange 2007 and 2010 if your migrating or managing 2000/3 you may want to get the Size and Item Count details of one particular mailbox folder for all users on a server eg how big the Inbox,SentItems or Calendar folder is. In Exchange 2003 you could get the Mailbox Size via WMI but to get an individual folder size you need to access the Mailbox itself (eg you can use pfdavadmin etc). To do this via Power shell for all users on the server you first need an ADSI query to get all the mailboxes on a particular server then you can use with WebDAV via the virtual admin root or MAPI via RDO\Redemption which works well in Powershell. I have two scripts that use show how do to this using each of these API's which I've posted a downloadable copy here To run these scripts you need to use the Netbios name of the server as a commandline parameter the RDO version of the script looks like $snServer...

Create Search Folders using the EWS Managed API in a Mailbox or Archive Store using Powershell

Search folders are one of the suite of Exchange search options you can use programatically or to provide users with different views of their mailbox data in Outlook or OWA. Essentially a search folder is like a regular mailbox folder, except that it contains only links to messages in other folders that meet the criteria set in the search filter restriction which means that search folders are great for nonchanging, nondynamic queries. Search folders like Search Filters make use of restrictions in Exchange rather then using the Content Index which means that this comes along with some compromises ,if you are going to use search folders (or a lot of search filters) defiantly have a read of . To create Search Folders using the EWS Managed API its pretty simple for search folders to be visible in Outlook you need to use the SearchFolders WellKnownFolderName enumeration which in a Mailbox relates to the Finder ...
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