If it hadn't escaped your notice Exchange 2010 SP2 was released this week although from an EWS perspective there isn't that much to shout about one of the interesting new operations is the GetPasswordExpiration operation. This allows you to get the DateTime when the password for an account will expire. Currently version 1.1 of the Managed API doesn't support this operation but from the information that has been released the next version should. In the meantime you can take advantage of this new operation using some raw SOAP. The following is a quick sample script that makes a GetPasswordExpiration request there is some SSL ignore code so it should run okay in a test environment without a valid SSL cert. To use this script you need to configure the following variables. $MailboxName = "user@domain.com" $cred = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential("user@domamin.com","password") If you don't have autodiscover configured if y...
Pushing the Envelope in Messaging and Office 365 Development