In this part of the how-to series I'm going to look at message classifications and how you can make use of these in your EWS scripts. Message classification was introduced in Exchange 2007 to comply with Organization policies and regulations. Technical stuff The extended MAPI properties and X-headers that are used for classification are documented in the following protocol document . Lets go over then quickly PidLidClassificationGuid is the extended property that contains the GUID of the classification that has been applied to a message. To work out these GUID's you need to use the Exchange Management Shell Get-MessageClassification cmdlet eg So the ClassificationID = PidLidClassificationGuid PidLidClassified : Is a Boolean property that tells if a message has been classified PidLidClassificationDescription : The property either represents the Recipient Description on a message that is re
Pushing the Envelope in Messaging and Office 365 Development