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Showing posts from September, 2013

Junk Email SCL report using EWS and Powershell

Dealing with Junk Email is kind of like doing the dishes, it's dirty work but somebodies got to do it. While Spam filters are improving we know by the constant updates these filters require its an invisible war that's always going on. Also software being what it is, things don't always go to plan like this So it can be good to check in on what's happening in your User's JunkEmail folders from time to time and EWS is great for doing this so. The following EWS script scans all the messages in the JunkEmail folder of a Mailbox (or Mailboxes) and looks at the SCL value of each of the Messages which is held in the PidTagContentFilterSpamConfidenceLevel property And also looks at the PidLidSpamOriginalFolder property which contains the original folder a Message was moved from, which only gets set when the Outlook Junk Email Filter takes an action on a message vs the Server Side action (where this properties doesn&#

Exchange Attachment statistics reporting with EWS and Powershell

The following script is a combination of a couple of other scripts I've posted in the past, what it does is compiles statistics of the messages with and without attachments in a Mailbox and then produces a report. To do this in EWS you need to look at every Item in the mailbox,  if the item has attachments it determines how large these attachments are and keeps a running tab of the largest attachment in the mailbox. In Exchange there are a number of different attachment types but EWS divides them into two distinct types, File Attachments and ItemAttachment which are basically attached Exchange Items. This script compile statistics around these two distinct types but doesn't process down to the embeeded attachment level. The results of all the requests are added together to produce a final report that reflects the attachment statistics for the entire mailbox. A picture is worth a thousand words so it produces a report like  To get the information about the Items in the Mail
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

All code contained herein is provided to you "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind. The implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed.