Quickstep's in Outlook is a feature that was added in Outlook in 2010 to help automate repetitive tasks you do with Email in Outlook. In this Post I'm going to go through how you can manipulate the objects associated with Quick steps using EWS and PowerShell. How Quick Steps are implemented in a Mailbox The OuickSteps Folder is created by Outlook (eg no Outlook no folder) In the Mailbox's IPM Root as a hidden folder called Quick Steps (with a FolderClass of IPF.Configuration) and within this folder there are FAI (Folder Associated Items) which represent each of the QuickStep Items. On each of those there is a PidTagRoamingXmlStream property which contains a ByteArray that represents an XMLDocument for each of the QuickStep items for example they look something like <?xml version="1.0"?> <CombinedAction Ordinal= "3200" Tooltip= "" Icon= "MoveToFolder" Name= "Clutter" Version= "147153" > ...
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