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Showing posts from March, 2016

EWS Basics : Enumerating all the Items in any folder in a Mailbox

I've decided to start a new series on the blog called EWS Basics where I'll post some reusable scripts that are fit for easy customization by those people unfamiliar with EWS. So the basic idea is to have a group of samples where most of the underlying EWS plumbing code is done and you can just plug in whatever customized action you want to do on particular Items Enumerate all the Items in any folder in a Mailbox A common task when you want to report on the Item content in a Folder or you want to perform some type of action on Items (Delete,Move,Copy etc) is you will want to enumerate all the items in a folder. One analogy is doing a dir on directory (just don't mention the M: drive!) So what this sample does is lets you input the MailboxName (PrimarySMTP Address) and Path to the Folder in the mailbox where the Item are  you want to access and it will write back to the pipeline the Items it finds. So to put that together in a sample say you wan...

Conversation statistics with EWS

Conversations have been a hot area in the Messaging space recently with many different solutions jockeying for attention such as Yammer, Office365 Groups , Slack, HipChat, Skype for business and many other. Each solution offers a different method to communicate and thread different conversations in different ways  over different clients and communication platforms. Typically in Exchange conversations either take place in Mailboxes or Public folders while Groups are a now a newer offering. When it comes to reporting, looking at conversations can offer some interesting insights as to when conversations are happening how many people are participating and where a Group or Channel based solution might provide some form of productivity gain or usefulness. In EWS in Exchange 2010 and greator the findconversation operation allows you to query and group conversation threads in a Mailbox folder and you can then use the information returned about the co...
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

All code contained herein is provided to you "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind. The implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed.