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Showing posts from June, 2017

Using the Office365/Exchange 2016 REST API to access Mailbox data using PowerShell part 5 Sending

Following on from my previous posts in this series, I've made a number of changes to the Exch-REST PowerShell  module to increase its functionality. The first is that it now supports using either the Microsoft Graph endpoint or the Outlook REST endpoint which has been default so far. If you want to know which endpoint you should use have a look at  . The advantage of utilizing the graph endpoint is that it allows you to hook into all the other Office365 services like Groups,OneDrive,SharePoint, Onenote etc using the same endpoint and token (I'll have some example in future posts). To utilize the graph endpoint is easy all you need to do is add one additional parameter when you create the token to specify you want the AccessToken for the graph eg $Token = Get-AccessToken -MailboxName ` -ClientId 5471030d-f311-4c5d-91ef-74ca885463a7 ` -redirectUrl urn:ietf:wg:oauth:
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