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Showing posts from January, 2018

A walk-though using the Graph API Mailbox reports in Powershell

Quite recently the Reporting side of the Graph API has moved in GA from beta, there are quite a number of reports that can be run across various Office365 surfaces but in this post I'm going to focus on the Mailbox related ones. Accessing Office365 Reports using Powershell is nothing new and has been available in the previous reporting endpoint however from the end of January many of these cmdlets are now being depreciated in favour of the Graph API . Prerequisites  In comparison to using the Remote PowerShell cmdlets where only the correct Office365 Admin permissions where needed, to use the new Graph API reports endpoint you need to use OAuth for authentication so this requires an Application Registration  that is then given the correct oAuth Grants to use...

Major update to my Exch-Rest Powershell Module for accessing Office365 and Exchange 2016 Mailboxes via REST

For about a year I've being working on a PowerShell Module for accessing the new REST API for Office365 (the Graph API) and Exchange 2016. I've been experimenting and listening to the various feedback I've been getting and finally have an update to share that addresses a lot of the useability issues (okay it was just too developer orientated). Application registrations Still probably the biggest stumbling block is not having an application registration, I now have a menu that allows to you use various default registrations for testing and also to save a default registration that you create. This means once you have your own registration setup you can save the ClientId so it will be used as the default when you next use the module. Aliasing A failure in proper planning when I initially created the module meant I didn't use a specific alias for the cmdlets in the module which meant it can cause a lot of conflicts if you have other modules loaded. With the ne...
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