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Showing posts from February, 2018

Searching Mailbox folders using the REST API In Powershell on Office365 and Exchange 2016

Preface Searching Mailboxes is something I've written a fair bit about in the past but in this article I'm going to cover how searching has been surfaced in the new REST API on Office365 and Exchange 2016.  The first place to go when considering searching in Office365 is the Security and Compliance center  it offers the most feature rich and realistic search experience that is difficult to replicate with client facing Mailbox API's (eg things like RBAC's delegated access rights, litigation holds etc). Given the amount of data that can be stored in Mailboxes now its important to have a realistic expectation of the time it will take and difficulty of searching 100,000's items in multiple folders or millions of items in an Archive is important (at the time of writing Archives aren't accessible using the REST API). S
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