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Showing posts from December, 2018

ZAP (Zero-hour auto purge) Junk email reporting for Office365 using EWS and REST

Zero-hour auto purge is one of the features of Office365 that will detect malicious and Spam emails and move them to the Junk email folder for any email that has breached the first level defences and has been delivered to users mailboxes. There is a good description of how it works here but basically when the service learns a particular message was malicious/spam it can retrospectively detect and eliminate/move any simular messages that arrived previously and weren't detected. This is a good and much need feature as no AntiSpam or Malware solution is perfect (no matter what the vendor say) so there will always be the case where thing slip through. But this very fact is what causes an exposure point where the potentially malicious email sits in the Inbox of end user up until the time its gets zapped. What I wanted to present in this post is a few ways you can measure the amount of the time you may have been vulnerable for and show some methods you can use to look more at message...

Updates to the Exch-Rest PowerShell Module to support PowerShell Core, Azure Cloud Shell and more ADAL integration options

I've had some time recently to do some much needed updates to my Exch-Rest module so it now supports both Azure Cloud Shell and PowerShell Core on Linux (tested on RHEL,CentOS, Debian and Ubuntu). So now you can logon to an Office365 Mailbox using this Module with Powershell on Linux and send Email or a Skype for Business Message or do some mailbox reporting eg The requirements on Linux is you need to be using the latest version of PowerShell core installed as per .This ensures that all the required .net Core libraries will be available as older version of .Net core didn't have some of the libraries I'm using and I didn't want to backport for older versions.  Also because there are no Linux forms to interact with for authentication you need to pass in the credentials to use via a PSCredential and the code will use the password grant to get the Token e...
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