Create a Microsoft Teams Group Calendar tab application using the Graph API and FullCalendar JavaScript library
Group calendars have always been one of the big asks for in any group collaboration programs back from Lotus Notes to Microsoft Exchange and now Microsoft Teams. There are a few ways of getting a Group calendar working in Teams, one is hosting the OWA web apps see or some other people advocate using a SharePoint calendar and hosting that similarly. Here is a different method you can use by taking advantage of being able to call the Graph API in a Tab application. The getSchedule Graph action (still currently in beta) allows you to query up to 62 days of Freebusy information on up to 100 calendars in a single call this makes it a good option for this type of application. So as long as users can view each others calendars or have detailed freebusy permissions the action should return the le vel of detail required for a Group calendar. The other thing you can do with the Graph API is get the users photo and build a nice legend for the Group calendar also. To make this visu...