Creating a year at a glance Calendar (in Excel) from aggregated Shared Calendars in Exchange Online within a Microsoft Teams Tab app using the Microsoft Graph
Calendaring formats in Messaging Clients tend to all follow much the same approach whether its Outlook, Outlook on the Web or Mobile, Gmail or Microsoft Teams . Like email data, calendar data can be random and complex in its volume and type (recurring appointments etc) so a simple year at a glance calendar for someone designing a mass market client is hard to do well for all the data types and volumes that you could encounter, therefor its not something you see in mail clients by default (lets face it who wants to support that). In the absence of year at a glance calendars I was surprised to see people using Excel to create yearly aggregated calendars in Microsoft Teams for events (for data that already existed in shared Calendars). But more surprisingly is that it actually kind of worked well when there wasn't a lot of data that needed to be shown. The one thing that sprang to my mind was if you could automate this it would be really good for people who use the Bir...