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Showing posts from June, 2020

Modifying your EWS WSDL Proxy Code for Modern Authentication

This is a follow-on from my last post on  Modifying your EWS Managed API code to use Hybrid Modern Authentication against OnPrem Mailboxes  . If instead of the EWS Managed API you are using EWS Proxy Code (generated from the EWS WSDL) and you want to migrate it to using Modern Authentication for Office365 and/or Hybrid here's a method you can use using the MSAL Authentication library . Unlike the EWS Managed API the WSDL generated proxy classes and specifically the ExchangeServiceBinding class doesn't have any provision to use Token Credentials. One way of implementing this in .NET is to take advantage of  Polymorphism and create a new class that is derived from the ExchangeServiceBinding class and then override the method GetWebResponse from this class (which is actually derived from the SoapHttpClientProtocol class which contains the actual method we are going to override

Modifying your EWS Managed API code to use Hybrid Modern Authentication against OnPrem Mailboxes

In this post I'm going to look at what you need to do in your EWS Managed API code to support using Hybrid Modern Authentication where previously you've been using Basic or Integrated Authentication (both of which are susceptible to password spray attacks). If you don't know what  Hybrid Modern Authentication   is put simply it brings to Exchange OnPrem email clients the security benefits of Modern Authentication offered by Azure AD to Office365 tenants. If your already using OAuth to connect to Office365 you have most of the work already done but you will still need logic to ensure you have the correct Audience set in your token when that code is used against an OnPrem Mailbox.  Prerequisites  You need to be using Hybrid Exchange or more specifically  Hybrid Office 365 tenant is configured in full hybrid configuration using Exchange Classic Hybrid Topology mode ref
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