Over the years one of the most popular and useful scripts i've written and gotten feedback and questions on is the various mailbox size scripts i've posted here and on Outlookexchange. The fact that this functionality has been pulled from the GUI in Exchange 2007 doesn't appear to have been a very popular decision amongst sysadmins i guess the majority of which don't want to look at a line of code or script. While this blog/post isn't probably for those people If you are really ruing the loss of Mailbox size information out of the GUI don't think about what you have lost but whats been gained through the flexibility of Powershell and the Exchange Cmdlets. GUI's are great for displaying simple information but anyone who's been working in IT for any length of time knows that requests are rarely simple and not always logical when dealing with management. Trying to make information you export from a GUI display the way you want can be time consuming and tedious and really tie up time that could be better spent elsewhere. While the unavoidable reality may be yes you need learn how to script and really these day when i say that I'm not talking about VBS which like the Model T Ford has had its day. The main point is you see that thing in fount of you with the flashing cursor and the keyboard designed to slow you down its main purpose in life is to save you time and make your life easier well isn't it about time it started to ? .
This is a question i recieved via email this week and its typical of the kind of thing im talking about.
Now it would be nice if there was a simple Oneliner powershell cmdlet that could return this information but there isn't. What you need to do is combine a number of different cmdlet's to get the information you want. And this is really where the Power in Powershell comes in because it allows you to easily integrate the result of different operations. So to get this information we need to combine get-mailbox, get-mailboxstatitics and to get information about what department the users is in straight ADSI is the best way to go. To be able to use the Export cmdlets that come with Powerhell its best to store the result of your combination in a custom object and then when it comes time to produce the report you can the use something like export-csv or converttohtml . So the following script is one method of solving the above question it reuses a cut down version of the mailbox size gui script that been tweaked to show the required information and produces a CSV file at the end. The script has one variable that is hardcoded which is the name of the server you want to run the script against which you will need to change. I've put a download of this script here the script it self looks like
$snServerName = "servername"
$fname = "c:\mbreport.csv"
$usrquotas = @{ }
$mstoresquotas = @{ }
$mbcombCollection = @()
get-mailboxdatabase -server $snServerName | ForEach-Object{
if ($_.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.IsUnlimited -ne $true){
$usrquotas = @{ }
Get-Mailbox -server $snServerName -ResultSize Unlimited | foreach-object{
if($_.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.IsUnlimited -ne $true){
$quQuotaval = 0
get-mailboxstatistics -Server $snServerName | Where {$_.DisconnectDate -eq $null} | ForEach-Object{
$quQuota = "0"
if ($usrquotas.ContainsKey($_.MailboxGUID)){
if ($usrquotas[$_.MailboxGUID].Value -ne $null){
$quQuotaval = $usrquotas[$_.MailboxGUID].Value.ToMB()
$quQuota = "{0:P0}" -f ($_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()/$usrquotas[$_.MailboxGUID].Value.ToMB())}
if ($mstoresquotas.ContainsKey($_.database)){
if ($mstoresquotas[$_.database].Value -ne $null){
$quQuotaval = $mstoresquotas[$_.database].Value.ToMB()
$quQuota = "{0:P0}" -f ($_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()/$mstoresquotas[$_.database].Value.ToMB())}}
$icount = 0
$tisize = 0
$disize = 0
if ($_.DisplayName -ne $null){$dname = $_.DisplayName}
if ($_.ItemCount -ne $null){$icount = $_.ItemCount}
if ($_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB() -ne $null){$tisize = $_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()}
if ($_.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToMB() -ne $null){$disize = $_.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToMB()}
$mbcomb = "" | select DisplayName,QuotaSize,TotalItemSize,Department,LastLogonTime
$mbcomb.DisplayName = $dname
$mbcomb.QuotaSize = $quQuotaval
$mbcomb.TotalItemSize = $tisize
$usrString = 'LDAP://' + $_.identity
$usr = [ADSI]$usrString
$mbcomb.Department = $usr.Department
$mbcomb.LastLogonTime = $_.LastLogonTime
$mbcombCollection += $mbcomb
$mbcombCollection | export-csv -noTypeInformation $fname
This is a question i recieved via email this week and its typical of the kind of thing im talking about.
How do i export the list for Exchange Users from Exchange Server 2007 SP1 by using a cmdlet:
I want something like the following table
Department , Alias , DefaultQuota ,OverQuota ,TotalitemSize, LastAccessTime
ITD Glen 50 MB 55 MB 55 MB March3rd 2008
Now it would be nice if there was a simple Oneliner powershell cmdlet that could return this information but there isn't. What you need to do is combine a number of different cmdlet's to get the information you want. And this is really where the Power in Powershell comes in because it allows you to easily integrate the result of different operations. So to get this information we need to combine get-mailbox, get-mailboxstatitics and to get information about what department the users is in straight ADSI is the best way to go. To be able to use the Export cmdlets that come with Powerhell its best to store the result of your combination in a custom object and then when it comes time to produce the report you can the use something like export-csv or converttohtml . So the following script is one method of solving the above question it reuses a cut down version of the mailbox size gui script that been tweaked to show the required information and produces a CSV file at the end. The script has one variable that is hardcoded which is the name of the server you want to run the script against which you will need to change. I've put a download of this script here the script it self looks like
$snServerName = "servername"
$fname = "c:\mbreport.csv"
$usrquotas = @{ }
$mstoresquotas = @{ }
$mbcombCollection = @()
get-mailboxdatabase -server $snServerName | ForEach-Object{
if ($_.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.IsUnlimited -ne $true){
$usrquotas = @{ }
Get-Mailbox -server $snServerName -ResultSize Unlimited | foreach-object{
if($_.ProhibitSendReceiveQuota.IsUnlimited -ne $true){
$quQuotaval = 0
get-mailboxstatistics -Server $snServerName | Where {$_.DisconnectDate -eq $null} | ForEach-Object{
$quQuota = "0"
if ($usrquotas.ContainsKey($_.MailboxGUID)){
if ($usrquotas[$_.MailboxGUID].Value -ne $null){
$quQuotaval = $usrquotas[$_.MailboxGUID].Value.ToMB()
$quQuota = "{0:P0}" -f ($_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()/$usrquotas[$_.MailboxGUID].Value.ToMB())}
if ($mstoresquotas.ContainsKey($_.database)){
if ($mstoresquotas[$_.database].Value -ne $null){
$quQuotaval = $mstoresquotas[$_.database].Value.ToMB()
$quQuota = "{0:P0}" -f ($_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()/$mstoresquotas[$_.database].Value.ToMB())}}
$icount = 0
$tisize = 0
$disize = 0
if ($_.DisplayName -ne $null){$dname = $_.DisplayName}
if ($_.ItemCount -ne $null){$icount = $_.ItemCount}
if ($_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB() -ne $null){$tisize = $_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()}
if ($_.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToMB() -ne $null){$disize = $_.TotalDeletedItemSize.Value.ToMB()}
$mbcomb = "" | select DisplayName,QuotaSize,TotalItemSize,Department,LastLogonTime
$mbcomb.DisplayName = $dname
$mbcomb.QuotaSize = $quQuotaval
$mbcomb.TotalItemSize = $tisize
$usrString = 'LDAP://' + $_.identity
$usr = [ADSI]$usrString
$mbcomb.Department = $usr.Department
$mbcomb.LastLogonTime = $_.LastLogonTime
$mbcombCollection += $mbcomb
$mbcombCollection | export-csv -noTypeInformation $fname