This is a rollup post for a couple of scripts I've posted in the past for creating folders using EWS in an Exchange OnPremise or Exchange online Cloud mailbox. It can do the following
The script will also detect if a folder with that name currently exists before trying to create a new folder.
I've put this module up on my github repo here you can download a copy here
The code looks like
- Create a Folder in the Root of the Mailbox
- Create a Folder as a SubFolder of the Inbox
- Create a Folder as a SubFolder of the Inbox using EWS Impersonation
- Create a new Contacts Folder as a SubFolder of the Mailboxes Contacts Folder
- Create a new Calendar Folder as a SubFolder of the Mailboxes Calendar Folder
The script will also detect if a folder with that name currently exists before trying to create a new folder.
I've put this module up on my github repo here you can download a copy here
The code looks like
function Connect-Exchange{ param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$MailboxName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credentials ) Begin { Load-EWSManagedAPI ## Set Exchange Version $ExchangeVersion = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeVersion]::Exchange2010_SP1 ## Create Exchange Service Object $service = New-Object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService($ExchangeVersion) ## Set Credentials to use two options are availible Option1 to use explict credentials or Option 2 use the Default (logged On) credentials #Credentials Option 1 using UPN for the windows Account #$psCred = Get-Credential $creds = New-Object System.Net.NetworkCredential($Credentials.UserName.ToString(),$Credentials.GetNetworkCredential().password.ToString()) $service.Credentials = $creds #Credentials Option 2 #service.UseDefaultCredentials = $true #$service.TraceEnabled = $true ## Choose to ignore any SSL Warning issues caused by Self Signed Certificates Handle-SSL ## Set the URL of the CAS (Client Access Server) to use two options are availbe to use Autodiscover to find the CAS URL or Hardcode the CAS to use #CAS URL Option 1 Autodiscover $service.AutodiscoverUrl($MailboxName,{$true}) Write-host ("Using CAS Server : " + $Service.url) #CAS URL Option 2 Hardcoded #$uri=[system.URI] "https://casservername/ews/exchange.asmx" #$service.Url = $uri ## Optional section for Exchange Impersonation #$service.ImpersonatedUserId = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ImpersonatedUserId([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ConnectingIdType]::SmtpAddress, $MailboxName) if(!$service.URL){ throw "Error connecting to EWS" } else { return $service } } } function Load-EWSManagedAPI{ param( ) Begin { ## Load Managed API dll ###CHECK FOR EWS MANAGED API, IF PRESENT IMPORT THE HIGHEST VERSION EWS DLL, ELSE EXIT $EWSDLL = (($(Get-ItemProperty -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path Registry::$(Get-ChildItem -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -Path 'Registry::HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Exchange\Web Services'|Sort-Object Name -Descending| Select-Object -First 1 -ExpandProperty Name)).'Install Directory') + "Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.dll") if (Test-Path $EWSDLL) { Import-Module $EWSDLL } else { "$(get-date -format yyyyMMddHHmmss):" "This script requires the EWS Managed API 1.2 or later." "Please download and install the current version of the EWS Managed API from" "" "" "Exiting Script." exit } } } function Handle-SSL{ param( ) Begin { ## Code From ## Create a compilation environment $Provider=New-Object Microsoft.CSharp.CSharpCodeProvider $Compiler=$Provider.CreateCompiler() $Params=New-Object System.CodeDom.Compiler.CompilerParameters $Params.GenerateExecutable=$False $Params.GenerateInMemory=$True $Params.IncludeDebugInformation=$False $Params.ReferencedAssemblies.Add("System.DLL") | Out-Null $TASource=@' namespace Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.CertificatePolicy{ public class TrustAll : System.Net.ICertificatePolicy { public TrustAll() { } public bool CheckValidationResult(System.Net.ServicePoint sp, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate cert, System.Net.WebRequest req, int problem) { return true; } } } '@ $TAResults=$Provider.CompileAssemblyFromSource($Params,$TASource) $TAAssembly=$TAResults.CompiledAssembly ## We now create an instance of the TrustAll and attach it to the ServicePointManager $TrustAll=$TAAssembly.CreateInstance("Local.ToolkitExtensions.Net.CertificatePolicy.TrustAll") [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::CertificatePolicy=$TrustAll ## end code from } } function Get-FolderFromPath{ param ( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$FolderPath, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$MailboxName, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ExchangeService]$service, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.PropertySet]$PropertySet ) process{ ## Find and Bind to Folder based on Path #Define the path to search should be seperated with \ #Bind to the MSGFolder Root $folderid = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderId([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName]::MsgFolderRoot,$MailboxName) $tfTargetFolder = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Folder]::Bind($service,$folderid) #Split the Search path into an array $fldArray = $FolderPath.Split("\") #Loop through the Split Array and do a Search for each level of folder for ($lint = 1; $lint -lt $fldArray.Length; $lint++) { #Perform search based on the displayname of each folder level $fvFolderView = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderView(1) if(![string]::IsNullOrEmpty($PropertySet)){ $fvFolderView.PropertySet = $PropertySet } $SfSearchFilter = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SearchFilter+IsEqualTo([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderSchema]::DisplayName,$fldArray[$lint]) $findFolderResults = $service.FindFolders($tfTargetFolder.Id,$SfSearchFilter,$fvFolderView) if ($findFolderResults.TotalCount -gt 0){ foreach($folder in $findFolderResults.Folders){ $tfTargetFolder = $folder } } else{ Write-host ("Error Folder Not Found check path and try again") $tfTargetFolder = $null break } } if($tfTargetFolder -ne $null){ return [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Folder]$tfTargetFolder } else{ throw ("Folder Not found") } } } ####################### <# .SYNOPSIS Creates a Folder in a Mailbox using the Exchange Web Services API .DESCRIPTION Creates a Folder in a Mailbox using the Exchange Web Services API Requires the EWS Managed API from .EXAMPLE Example 1 To create a Folder named test in the Root of the Mailbox Create-Folder -Mailboxname -NewFolderName test Example 2 To create a Folder as a SubFolder of the Inbox Create-Folder -Mailboxname -NewFolderName test -ParentFolder '\Inbox' Example 3 To create a new Folder Contacts SubFolder of the Contacts Folder Create-Folder -Mailboxname -NewFolderName test -ParentFolder '\Contacts' -FolderClass IPF.Contact Example 4 To create a new Folder using EWS Impersonation Create-Folder -Mailboxname -NewFolderName test -ParentFolder '\Inbox' -useImpersonation #> ######################## function Create-Folder{ param( [Parameter(Position=0, Mandatory=$true)] [string]$MailboxName, [Parameter(Position=1, Mandatory=$true)] [System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$Credentials, [Parameter(Position=2, Mandatory=$true)] [String]$NewFolderName, [Parameter(Position=3, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$ParentFolder, [Parameter(Position=4, Mandatory=$false)] [String]$FolderClass, [Parameter(Position=5, Mandatory=$false)] [switch]$useImpersonation ) Begin { $service = Connect-Exchange -MailboxName $MailboxName -Credentials $Credentials if($useImpersonation.IsPresent){ $service.ImpersonatedUserId = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ImpersonatedUserId([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.ConnectingIdType]::SmtpAddress, $MailboxName) } $NewFolder = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Folder($service) $NewFolder.DisplayName = $NewFolderName if(([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($folderClass))){ $NewFolder.FolderClass = "IPF.Note" } else{ $NewFolder.FolderClass = $folderClass } $EWSParentFolder = $null if(([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($ParentFolder))){ # Bind to the MsgFolderRoot folder $folderid= new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderId([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.WellKnownFolderName]::MsgFolderRoot,$MailboxName) $EWSParentFolder = [Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Folder]::Bind($service,$folderid) } else{ $EWSParentFolder = Get-FolderFromPath -MailboxName $MailboxName -service $service -FolderPath $ParentFolder } #Define Folder Veiw Really only want to return one object $fvFolderView = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderView(1) #Define a Search folder that is going to do a search based on the DisplayName of the folder $SfSearchFilter = new-object Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.SearchFilter+IsEqualTo([Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.FolderSchema]::DisplayName,$NewFolderName) #Do the Search $findFolderResults = $service.FindFolders($EWSParentFolder.Id,$SfSearchFilter,$fvFolderView) if ($findFolderResults.TotalCount -eq 0){ Write-host ("Folder Doesn't Exist") $NewFolder.Save($EWSParentFolder.Id) Write-host ("Folder Created") } else{ Write-error ("Folder already Exist with that Name") } } }