How it works
Like many of the scripts I post it uses a lot of different powershell functions to achieve different levels of functionality. It uses Import-csv and Export-csv to keep track of the history status as well as two hashtables are used with an aggregation key that filters down the result set of a Get-logonstatistic query down to a useable format. A get-mailbox query is also used to make sure that only logons that relate to actual mailboxes are included in the results.
Running the Script
When you run the script it takes one argument which is the name of the server you want to run it against. Eg.
.\ sanlog.ps1 yourservername
This is just a simple start but it gives a framework you can could use to create actual logon reports that record when users loged on and logged off and how long they where using resources on your server.
I’ve put a download of this script here the script itself looks like.
$ServerName = $args[0]
$ExcomCollection = @()
$MBHash = @{ }
$MBHistHash = @{ }
$HistoryDir = "c:\LogonHistory"
if (!(Test-Path -path $HistoryDir))
New-Item $HistoryDir -type directory
$frun = 1
$datetime = get-date
$fname = $script:HistoryDir + "\"
$fname = $fname + $datetime.ToString("yyyyMMdd") + $ServerName + "-LogonHist.csv"
Import-Csv ($fname) | %{
$idvalue = $_.identity.ToString()
$logonEvent = $_
$ltime = [datetime]::Parse($_.LogonTime)
if ($_.ClientIPAddress -eq $null){$agvalue = $_.identity.ToString() + $_.UserName + $ltime.ToString("hhmm").Substring(0,3)}
else{$agvalue = $_.identity.ToString() + $_.UserName + $_.ClientIPAddress}
if ($MBHistHash.Containskey($agvalue) -eq $false){
get-mailbox -server $ServerName -ResultSize Unlimited | foreach-object{
if ($MBHash.Containskey($_.LegacyExchangeDN.ToString()) -eq $false){
$LogonUnQ = @{ }
get-logonstatistics | foreach-object{
$idvalue = $_.identity.ToString()
$logonEvent = $_
$ltime = $_.LogonTime
if ($_.ClientIPAddress -eq $null){$agvalue = $_.identity.ToString() + $_.UserName + $ltime.ToString("hhmm").Substring(0,3)}
else{$agvalue = $_.identity.ToString() + $_.UserName + $_.ClientIPAddress}
if ($idvalue -ne $null){
if ($LogonUnQ.Containskey($agvalue) -eq $false){
if ($MBHash.Containskey($idvalue)){
if ($MBHistHash.Containskey($agvalue) -eq $false){
$ts = New-timeSpan $MBHistHash[$agvalue].LogonTime $ltime
if ($ts.minutes -gt 5){
foreach ($row in $MBHistHash.Values){
$ExcomCollection += $row
$ExcomCollection | export-csv –encoding "unicode" -noTypeInformation $fname