I eagerly installed the IMF into my production Exchange environment on the day it was released and unfortunately tripped over my own eagerness. I have 2 servers in a front/back-end setup and I applied SP1 to my front-end and installed IMF there and everything was okay and both installs went smoothly. My backend Server because I had clients connecting to it I wanted to wait until I could schedule an outage to apply SP1 so I didn't upgrade this straight away. Since the IMF installed okay and I couldn't find anything that told me I needed SP1 on all my Exchange servers I decided to turned it on and test it out. Well it worked "sort of" the SCL was being set fine on all the messages going though and my Back-End server was responding to this but instead of just junking all mail with the default SCL of 8 it was junking every email. Going back over all the doco I couldn't see any problems with my install so I put it down to not having SP1 on my Back-end Server. Last night I managed to get SP1 on my Back-End Server and this morning re-enabled the IMF and everything is now fine. The anti-spam Infrastructure has been around since the release of 2003 so I still find it a little weird that I had this problem but so far I like the IMF.
Exporting and Uploading Mailbox Items using Exchange Web Services using the new ExportItems and UploadItems operations in Exchange 2010 SP1
Two new EWS Operations ExportItems and UploadItems where introduced in Exchange 2010 SP1 that allowed you to do a number of useful things that where previously not possible using Exchange Web Services. Any object that Exchange stores is basically a collection of properties for example a message object is a collection of Message properties, Recipient properties and Attachment properties with a few meta properties that describe the underlying storage thrown in. Normally when using EWS you can access these properties in a number of a ways eg one example is using the strongly type objects such as emailmessage that presents the underlying properties in an intuitive way that's easy to use. Another way is using Extended Properties to access the underlying properties directly. However previously in EWS there was no method to access every property of a message hence there is no way to export or import an item and maintain full fidelity of every property on that item (you could export the...