Here are a couple of methods that may help
The Mapi property 0x8167001E lists all the displaynames of attendees of a meeting and this seems to include all the resources as well. So what you can do is grab this property do a split on it to get the entries into an array. Loop though the array and check if each address is in the To or CC field of the appointment and if its not then its a resource. eg
Set iCalMsg = CreateObject("CDO.Message") "itemurl"
recplist =
recparray = split(recplist,";",-1,1)
for i = lbound(recparray) to ubound(recparray)
if instr(iCalMsg.fields(""),recparray(I)) then
if instr(iCalMsg.fields(""),recparray(I)) then
wscript.echo recparray(I)
end if
end if
Another method you can use is if you loop though the attendees collection of the appointment associated with the calendar request you can find the organizer of the appointment. Once you know the organizer of the appointment you can then use this along with the urn:schemas:calendar:uid field which uniquely identifies each appointment to call the GetAssociatedItem method of the calendar item. This will (if you have the rights to) connect to the organizers mailbox and then retrieve the master appointment object which will contain resources in the attendees collection . This all uses CDOEX and CDOEXM and the file URL scheme so for this to work the resource mailbox and organizers mailbox has have be on the same server.
Set iCalMsg = CreateObject("CDO.CalendarMessage") "itemurl"
For Each iCalPart In iCalMsg.CalendarParts
Set iAppt = iCalPart.GetUpdatedItem
cuid1 = iAppt.fields("urn:schemas:calendar:uid")
for each attend in iAppt.Attendees
if attend.IsOrganizer <> 0 then
Set Person = CreateObject("CDO.Person")
strURL = attend.address
Person.DataSource.Open strURL
Set Mailbox = Person.GetInterface("IMailbox")
set iAppt1 = iCalPart.GetAssociatedItem(Mailbox.calendar)
for each attend1 in iAppt1.Attendees
wscript.echo attend1.address
wscript.echo attend1.role
wscript.echo attend1.status
wscript.echo attend1.type
end if
If you wanted to use the second method but the mailboxes are on separate servers then something similar can be done using three webDAV queries and some ADSI. The following example first grabs the calendar message using a WebDAV GET and parses the organizer of the meeting out of the vCalendar body part and also the calendar UID. An ADSI query is then performed using the SMTP address of the organizer to retrieve the msExchHomeServerName property which tells you which server the mailbox is on. A second WebDAV search is then done of the organizers calendar based on the Calender UID of the appointment. This should then locate the original appointment which is then retrieved using a WebDAV GET. The resource mailbox (or mailbox's) SMTP address's are then parsed out of the vCalendar body part.
I've posted a copy of all the scripts from this post here
set Req = createobject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP") "GET","http://server/exchange/mailbox/inbox/calandermessage.EML",false
Req.setRequestHeader "Translate","f"
attendeearry = split(req.responsetext,"ORGANIZER;",-1,1)
for i = 1 to ubound(attendeearry)
string1 = vbcrlf & " "
stparse = replace(attendeearry(i),string1,"")
attaddress = mid(stparse,(instr(stparse,"MAILTO:")+7),instr(stparse,chr(13)))
attaddress = mid(attaddress,1,(instr(attaddress,vbcrlf)-1))
uidarry = mid(req.responsetext,instr(req.responsetext,"UID:")+3,len(req.responsetext))
string1 = vbcrlf & " "
stparse = replace(uidarry,string1,"")
uidprop = mid(stparse,2,instr(stparse,vbcrlf))
uidprop = replace(uidprop,vbcrlf,"")
CUserID = replace(attaddress," ","")
Set objDNS = CreateObject("ADSystemInfo")
DomainName = LCase(objDNS.DomainDNSName)
Set oRoot = GetObject("LDAP://" & DomainName & "/rootDSE")
strDefaultNamingContext = oRoot.get("defaultNamingContext")
GALQueryFilter = "(&(&(&(& (mailnickname=*) (|
)))(objectCategory=user)(mail=" & CUserID & ")))"
strQuery = "<LDAP://" & DomainName & "/" & strDefaultNamingContext & ">;" &
GALQueryFilter &
Set oConn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") 'Create an ADO Connection
oConn.Provider = "ADsDSOOBJECT" ' ADSI OLE-DB provider
oConn.Open "ADs Provider"
Set oComm = CreateObject("ADODB.Command") ' Create an ADO Command
oComm.ActiveConnection = oConn
oComm.Properties("Page Size") = 1000
oComm.CommandText = strQuery
Set rs = oComm.Execute
server =
mailbox = attaddress
strURL = "http://" & server & "/exchange/" & mailbox & "/calendar/"
strQuery = "<?xml version=""1.0""?><D:searchrequest xmlns:D = ""DAV:"" >"
strQuery = strQuery & "<D:sql>SELECT ""DAV:href"" FROM scope('shallow traversal
of """
strQuery = strQuery & strURL & """') Where ""urn:schemas:calendar:uid"" = '" &
uidprop & "'</D:sql></D:searchrequest>"
set req = createobject("microsoft.xmlhttp") "SEARCH", strURL, false
req.setrequestheader "Content-Type", "text/xml"
req.setRequestHeader "Translate","f"
req.send strQuery
If req.status >= 500 Then
wscript.echo "Status: " & req.status
wscript.echo "Status text: An error occurred on the server."
ElseIf req.status = 207 Then
set oResponseDoc = req.responseXML
set oNodeList = oResponseDoc.getElementsByTagName("a:href")
For i = 0 To (oNodeList.length -2)
set oNode = oNodeList.nextNode
wscript.echo "Status: " & req.status
wscript.echo "Status text: " & req.statustext
wscript.echo "Response text: " & req.responsetext
End If
sub proccalmess(objhref) "GET", objhref, false
Req.setRequestHeader "Translate","f"
attendeearry = split(req.responsetext,"ATTENDEE;",-1,1)
for i = 1 to ubound(attendeearry)
string1 = vbcrlf & " "
stparse = replace(attendeearry(i),string1,"")
attaddress = mid(stparse,(instr(stparse,"MAILTO:")+7),instr(stparse,chr(13)))
attaddress = mid(attaddress,1,instr(attaddress,vbcrlf))
if instr(stparse,"=RESOURCE") then
wscript.echo attaddress
end if
end sub