The changeable part of this script is the credential section which allows you to specify the credentials to use when connecting to EWS if you don’t want to specify the credentials you can comment out the following lines
$unUserName = "username"
$psPassword = "password"
$dnDomainName = "domain"
$cdUsrCredentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($unUserName , $psPassword , $dnDomainName)
To change the script to use the currently logged on user credentials you need to change the following lines
# $WDRequest.Credentials = $cdUsrCredentials
$WDRequest.UseDefaultCredentials = $True
The only other thing you may want to change is to make the script use impersonation if you want to create contacts in mailboxes other than the one associated with the security credentials you are using. The impersonation header should be something like
<t:ExchangeImpersonation> `
<t:ConnectingSID> `
<t:SID>" + $siSIDToSearch.SID + "</t:SID> `
</t:ConnectingSID>" `
</t:ExchangeImpersonation>" `
I’ve put a downloadable copy of the script here the script itself looks like
$subject = "Skippy(Skippys Email)"
$EmailDisplayAS = "Skippy Roo(Skippys Emaill)"
$EmailDisplayName = ""
$EmailAddress1 = ""
$FileAs = "Roo, Skippy"
#Optional Props
$givenName = "Skippy"
$middleName = "The"
$Surname = "Roo"
$nickName = "Skip"
$CompanyName = "Skips Helicopters"
$HomeStreet = "32 Walaby Street"
$HomeCity = "Maroobra"
$HomeState = "NSW"
$HomeCountry = "Australia"
$HomePostCode = "2000"
$BusinessStreet = "45 Emu Place"
$BusinessCity = "Woolloomooloo"
$BusinessState = "NSW"
$BusinessCountry = "Australia"
$BusinessPostCode = "2000"
$HomePhone = "9999-99999"
$HomeFax = "9999-99999"
$BusinessPhone = "9999-99999"
$BusinessFax = "9999-99999"
$MobilePhone = "999-9999-99999"
$AssistantName = "Wally"
$BusinessWebPage = ""
$Department = "Flying"
$OfficeLocation = "1st Floor"
$Profession = "Pilot"
$soapString = "<?xml version=`"1.0`" encoding=`"utf-8`" ?> `
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=`"`"
xmlns:xsi=`"`" `
<RequestServerVersion Version=`"Exchange2007_SP1`" xmlns=`"`"
/> `
<soap:Body> `
<CreateItem MessageDisposition=`"SaveOnly`" xmlns=`"`">`
<SavedItemFolderId> `
<DistinguishedFolderId Id=`"contacts`" xmlns=`"`"
<Contact xmlns=`"`"> `
<Subject>" + $subject + "</Subject> `
<ExtendedFieldURI PropertySetId=`"00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046`"
PropertyId=`"32898`" PropertyType=`"String`" /> `
<Value>SMTP</Value> `
<ExtendedFieldURI PropertySetId=`"00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046`"
PropertyId=`"32896`" PropertyType=`"String`" /> `
<Value>" + $EmailDisplayAS + "</Value> `
<ExtendedFieldURI PropertySetId=`"00062004-0000-0000-C000-000000000046`"
PropertyId=`"32900`" PropertyType=`"String`" /> `
<Value>" + $EmailDisplayName + "</Value> `
<FileAs>" + $fileas + "</FileAs> `
<GivenName>" + $givenName + "</GivenName> `
<MiddleName>" + $middleName + "</MiddleName> `
<Nickname>" + $nickName + "</Nickname> `
<CompanyName>" + $CompanyName + "</CompanyName> `
<Entry Key=`"EmailAddress1`">" + $EmailAddress1 + "</Entry> `
<Entry Key=`"Home`">`
<Street>" + $HomeStreet + "</Street> `
<City>" + $HomeCity + "</City> `
<State>" + $HomeState + "</State> `
<CountryOrRegion>" + $HomeCountry + "</CountryOrRegion> `
<PostalCode>" + $HomePostCode + "</PostalCode> `
<Entry Key=`"Business`">
<Street>" + $BusinessStreet + "</Street> `
<City>" + $BusinessCity + "</City> `
<State>" + $BusinessState + "</State> `
<CountryOrRegion>" + $BusinessCountry + "</CountryOrRegion> `
<PostalCode>" + $BusinessPostCode + "</PostalCode> `
<Entry Key=`"HomePhone`">" + $HomePhone + "</Entry> `
<Entry Key=`"HomeFax`">" + $HomeFax + "</Entry> `
<Entry Key=`"BusinessPhone`">" + $BusinessPhone + "</Entry> `
<Entry Key=`"BusinessFax`">" + $BusinessFax + "</Entry> `
<Entry Key=`"MobilePhone`">" + $MobilePhone + "</Entry> `
<AssistantName>" + $AssistantName + "</AssistantName> `
<BusinessHomePage>" + $BusinessWebPage + "</BusinessHomePage> `
<Department>" + $Department + "</Department> `
<OfficeLocation>" + $OfficeLocation + "</OfficeLocation> `
<Profession>" + $Profession + "</Profession> `
<Surname>" + $Surname + "</Surname> `
$unUserName = "username"
$psPassword = "password"
$dnDomainName = "domain"
$cdUsrCredentials = new-object System.Net.NetworkCredential($unUserName ,
$psPassword , $dnDomainName)
$mbURI = "https://servername/EWS/Exchange.asmx"
$WDRequest = [System.Net.WebRequest]::Create($mbURI)
$WDRequest.ContentType = "text/xml"
$WDRequest.Headers.Add("Translate", "F")
$WDRequest.Method = "POST"
$WDRequest.Credentials = $cdUsrCredentials
# $WDRequest.UseDefaultCredentials = $True
$bytes = [System.Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes($soapString)
$WDRequest.ContentLength = $bytes.Length
$RequestStream = $WDRequest.GetRequestStream()
$RequestStream.Write($bytes, 0, $bytes.Length)
$WDResponse = $WDRequest.GetResponse()
$ResponseStream = $WDResponse.GetResponseStream()
$readStream = new-object System.IO.StreamReader $ResponseStream
$textresult = $readStream.ReadToEnd()
if ($textresult.indexofany("ResponseClass=`"Success`"")){
"Contact Created Sucessfully"
else {