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Showing posts from May, 2009

Mail Enabling a Public folder with the EWS Managed API and finding and changing the primary email address without using Exchange cmdlets

If your working with Public Folders in the EWS Managed API then you may want to mailenable a new or existing Public Folder without using EMS cmdlets. I described a method that you can use to mail enable Public folders using EWS a while ago here and this same method will work with a little bit of different code. Like the previous post you need to set the following 2 properties to mail enabled a folder. PR_PUBLISH_IN_ADDRESS_BOOK = 0x3FE6000B PR_PF_PROXY_REQUIRED = 0x671F000B So if you want to mailenable an existing folder that you have the path for say its "firstlevel/secondlevel/newfolder" you will first need to have some code that will find the folder based on the path by doing a search. Then once you have the folder ID you can Bind to the folder and set those Mapi properties. Using a UpdateFolder operation was one of the harder operations in normal EWS proxy code but its now so much easier to do in the EWS Managed API. Once you have set these properties a backgroup process ...

Acknowledging Appointment reminders with WebDAV

One thing that can be little tricky if your working in WebDAV is dealing with appointment reminders, especially when you have to deal with recurring appointments. If you dont use the right method its easy to break the recurrance of appointments. The best way of working something like this out is have a look at the way OWA does it and then just use the same xml. So basically what you end up with is firstly a method to acknowledge non-recurring appointment reminders by removing the reminderoffset property. And a method to acknowledge recurring appointment reminders by setting the remindernexttime property. I've put a download of this VBS script here the code looks like eg set req = Createobject("microsoft.xmlhttp") CalendarURL = "https://servername/exchange/mailbox/calendar" AppointmentURL = CalendarURL & "/appointment.eml" If RecurringAppointment = false Then xmlstr = "<?xml version=""1.0""?><a:propertyupdate xm...

Mailbox Size Summary reporting Gui for Exchange 2007

Picking up again on the topic i touched on in January about creating different summary reports of how size and resources are consummed within an Exchange enviroment he's a script that takes it in another direction (and dont we need one of those). A number of people have asked questions about how they can report on mailbox usage not just based on particular users but usage by particular OU or other User property eg Department,Office etc. An here's the script to do it How it works This script first combines 3 different Exchange cmdlets to build a displayable and redisplayble dataset that is stored in hashtable. The Get-User cmdlet is used to get all the user information and a number of properties such as the ExchangeGUID,MailboxSize and what OU a users is in is addded to the standard Get-User object and then the object is stored in a hashtable indexed by the Active Directory GUI. Because you can't link directly Get-User and Get-Mailboxstatistics directly without using Pipelin...
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

All code contained herein is provided to you "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind. The implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed.