Picking up again on the topic i touched on in January about creating different summary reports of how size and resources are consummed within an Exchange enviroment he's a script that takes it in another direction (and dont we need one of those). A number of people have asked questions about how they can report on mailbox usage not just based on particular users but usage by particular OU or other User property eg Department,Office etc. An here's the script to do it
How it works
This script first combines 3 different Exchange cmdlets to build a displayable and redisplayble dataset that is stored in hashtable. The Get-User cmdlet is used to get all the user information and a number of properties such as the ExchangeGUID,MailboxSize and what OU a users is in is addded to the standard Get-User object and then the object is stored in a hashtable indexed by the Active Directory GUI. Because you can't link directly Get-User and Get-Mailboxstatistics directly without using Pipeline composition which will do a search for each user making this script a little to slow for enviroments with a large number of users. Get-Mailbox is used to create a hashtable that allows the linking of the information that is returned by the Get-User cmdlet and what is returned by the Get-Mailboxstatistics.
To build display elements all the properties from Get-User are added to the Dropdown for Groupby type. When this is selected it fires a function that causes the data stored in the results hashtable to be regrouped using the selected value which then rebuilds the data in the datatable which in tern refreshs what you see in the datagrid. To spice things up a bit I've added some extra functionality like being able to get the actally mailboxes that are being included in the grouping in a seperate datatable. Also the ability to export both grids to a csv file. The final things to give this script some visual spark by adding a few Google charts to add a visual dimension to the summariesed data
The result is a script that produces a lot of quite interesting and at times slightly amsuing results. Eg being able to see grouped by first name who uses the most mailbox resources is kind of funny. You could go take this little further use the persons birthday to figure their star sign and then show mailbox size usage by signs of the zodiac.
(If your looking for OU its added as the last item in the Drop down list)
I've put a download of the script here the script itself looks like.
$form = new-object System.Windows.Forms.form
$usrinfo = @{ }
$ctab = @{ }
$agDepartment = @{ }
$agOffice = @{ }
$htAg = @{ }
$ExcomCollection = @()
function Aggresults{
if ($mtTypeDrop.SelectedItem -eq $null){
$agMethod = "LastName"
$agMethod = $mtTypeDrop.SelectedItem.ToString()
foreach ($row in $usrinfo.Values){
if ($row.$agMethod.ToString() -eq ""){
if ($htAg.containskey("Not Set")){
$htAg["Not Set"].Number = $htAg["Not Set"].Number + 1
$htAg["Not Set"].Size = $htAg["Not Set"].Size + [INT]$row.MailboxSize.ToString()
$mbcnt = "" | select Name,Number,Size
$mbcnt.Name = "Not Set"
$mbcnt.Number = 1
$mbcnt.Size = [INT]$row.MailboxSize.ToString()
$htAg.Add("Not Set",$mbcnt)
if ($htAg.containskey($row.$agMethod.ToString())){
$htAg[$row.$agMethod.ToString()].Number = $htAg[$row.$agMethod.ToString()].Number + 1
$htAg[$row.$agMethod.ToString()].Size = $htAg[$row.$agMethod.ToString()].Size + [INT]$row.MailboxSize.ToString()
$mbcnt = "" | select Name,Number,Size
$mbcnt.Name = $row.$agMethod.ToString()
$mbcnt.Number = 1
$mbcnt.Size = [INT]$row.MailboxSize.ToString()
$valueBlock = ""
$TitleBlock = ""
$TitleBlock1 = ""
foreach ($row in $htAg.Values){
if ($valueBlock -eq ""){$valueBlock = $row.Size.ToString()
$lval = [INT]$row.Size
else {
$valueBlock = $valueBlock + "," + $row.Size.ToString()
if ($lval -lt [INT]$row.Size){$lval = [INT]$row.Size}
if ($TitleBlock -eq ""){$TitleBlock = $row.Name.ToString().Replace("&","-")
$TitleBlock1 = $row.Name.ToString().Replace("&","-")
else {$TitleBlock = $TitleBlock + "|" + $row.Name.ToString().Replace("&","-")
$TitleBlock1 = $row.Name.ToString().Replace("&","-") + "|" + $TitleBlock1
$csString = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=p3&chs=430x160&chds=0," + $lval + "&chd=t:" + $valueBlock + "&chl=" + $TitleBlock + "&chco=0000ff,00ff00,ff0000,FFFFFF,000000"
$pbox.ImageLocation = $csString
$csString1 = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bhs&chs=530x300&chd=t:" + $valueBlock + "&chds=0," + ($lval+20) + "&chxt=x,y&chbh=a&chxr=" + "&chxr=0,0," + ($lval+20) + "&chxl=1:|" + $TitleBlock1 + "&chco=0000ff,00ff00,ff0000,FFFFFF,000000"
$pbox1.ImageLocation = $csString1
$dgDataGrid.DataSource = $agtable
function getMailboxSizes(){
$mbcombCollection = @()
$ExcomCollection = @()
$serverName = $snServerNameDrop.SelectedItem.ToString()
if ($snServerNameDrop.SelectedItem.ToString() -eq "ALL Servers"){
$mailboxes = get-mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
$mailboxes = get-mailbox -server $snServerNameDrop.SelectedItem.ToString() -ResultSize Unlimited
$mailboxes | foreach-object{
"Finished Get Mailbox"
Get-User -recipienttype UserMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | foreach-object{
if ($ctab.ContainsKey($_.Guid.ToString())){
$usrobj = $_ | select *,MailboxSize,ExchangeGUID,OU
$oustring = ""
$idarry = $_.Identity.ToString().Split("/")
for($i=1;$i-lt ($idarry.length-1);$i++){
$oustring = $oustring + "\" + $idarry[$i]
$usrobj.OU = $oustring
$usrobj.ExchangeGUID = $ctab[$_.Guid.ToString()]
$mbServers = get-mailboxserver
if ($snServerNameDrop.SelectedItem.ToString() -eq "ALL Servers"){
$mbServers | foreach-object{
$mscombCollection += get-mailboxstatistics -server $_.Name | Where {$_.DisconnectDate -eq $null}
$mscombCollection += get-mailboxstatistics -server $snServerNameDrop.SelectedItem.ToString() | Where {$_.DisconnectDate -eq $null}
$mscombCollection | ForEach-Object{
$usrobj = $usrinfo[$_.MailboxGuid.ToString()]
if ($usrinfo.ContainsKey($_.MailboxGuid.ToString())){
if ($_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB() -ne $null){
$usrobj.MailboxSize = $_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()
$usrobj.MailboxSize = 0
function ShowMailboxes(){
if ($mtTypeDrop.SelectedItem -eq $null){
$agMethod = "LastName"
$agMethod = $mtTypeDrop.SelectedItem.ToString()
$mbtable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$mbtable.TableName = "Mailboxes"
$mbtable.Columns.Add("Display Name")
$mbtable.Columns.Add("Mailbox Size(MB)",[int64])
foreach ($row in $usrinfo.Values){
if($row.$agMethod -eq $agtable.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0]){
if($row.$agMethod -eq ""){
if("Not Set" -eq $agtable.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0]){
$dgDataGrid1.DataSource = $mbtable
function ExportGrid1csv{
$exFileName = new-object System.Windows.Forms.saveFileDialog
$exFileName.DefaultExt = "csv"
$exFileName.Filter = "csv files (*.csv)|*.csv"
$exFileName.InitialDirectory = "c:\temp"
$exFileName.ShowHelp = $true
if ($exFileName.FileName -ne ""){
$logfile = new-object IO.StreamWriter($exFileName.FileName,$true)
$logfile.WriteLine("DisplayName,Number of Mailboxes,Mailbox Size(MB)")
foreach($row in $agTable.Rows){
$logfile.WriteLine("`"" + $row[0].ToString() + "`"," + $row[1].ToString() + "," + $row[2].ToString())
function ExportGrid2csv{
$exFileName = new-object System.Windows.Forms.saveFileDialog
$exFileName.DefaultExt = "csv"
$exFileName.Filter = "csv files (*.csv)|*.csv"
$exFileName.InitialDirectory = "c:\temp"
$exFileName.ShowHelp = $true
if ($exFileName.FileName -ne ""){
$logfile = new-object IO.StreamWriter($exFileName.FileName,$true)
$logfile.WriteLine("DisplayName,Office,Department,Mailbox Size(MB)")
foreach($row in $mbtable.Rows){
$logfile.WriteLine("`"" + $row[0].ToString() + "`"," + $row[1].ToString() + "," + $row[2].ToString())
$agtable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$agtable.TableName = "Mailbox Sizes"
$agtable.Columns.Add("# Mailboxes",[int64])
$agtable.Columns.Add("Mailbox Size(MB)",[int64])
# Add Server DropLable
$snServerNamelableBox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$snServerNamelableBox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,20)
$snServerNamelableBox.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(80,20)
$snServerNamelableBox.Text = "ServerName"
# Add Server Drop Down
$snServerNameDrop = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$snServerNameDrop.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(90,20)
$snServerNameDrop.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,30)
get-mailboxserver | ForEach-Object{$snServerNameDrop.Items.Add($_.Name)}
$snServerNameDrop.Items.Add("ALL Servers")
# Add Agregate Type DropLable
$mtTypeDroplableBox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$mtTypeDroplableBox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(200,20)
$mtTypeDroplableBox.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(70,20)
$mtTypeDroplableBox.Text = "Group By"
# Add Mailbox Type Drop Down
$mtTypeDrop = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$mtTypeDrop.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(270,20)
$mtTypeDrop.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(135,30)
$properties = get-user -resultsize 1 | get-member -membertype Property
foreach ($prop in $properties){
# Show Mailboxs Button
$shMailboxes = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$shMailboxes.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(600,19)
$shMailboxes.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(120,23)
$shMailboxes.Text = "Show Mailboxes"
$shMailboxes.visible = $True
# Add Export Grid Button
$exButton1 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$exButton1.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(430,19)
$exButton1.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(90,23)
$exButton1.Text = "Export Grid"
# Add Export Grid Button 2
$exButton2 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$exButton2.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(750,19)
$exButton2.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(125,23)
$exButton2.Text = "Export Grid"
#add Picture box
$pbox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
$pbox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(550,360)
$pbox.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(500,220)
$pbox1 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
$pbox1.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,360)
$pbox1.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(550,370)
# Add DataGrid View
$dgDataGrid = new-object System.windows.forms.DataGridView
$dgDataGrid.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,50)
$dgDataGrid.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(530,300)
$dgDataGrid.AutoSizeRowsMode = "AllHeaders"
$dgDataGrid1 = new-object System.windows.forms.DataGridView
$dgDataGrid1.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(550,50)
$dgDataGrid1.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(450,300)
$dgDataGrid1.AutoSizeRowsMode = "AllHeaders"
$form.Text = "Exchange 2007 Group by Mailbox Size Form"
$form.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(1000,700)
$form.autoscroll = $true
How it works
This script first combines 3 different Exchange cmdlets to build a displayable and redisplayble dataset that is stored in hashtable. The Get-User cmdlet is used to get all the user information and a number of properties such as the ExchangeGUID,MailboxSize and what OU a users is in is addded to the standard Get-User object and then the object is stored in a hashtable indexed by the Active Directory GUI. Because you can't link directly Get-User and Get-Mailboxstatistics directly without using Pipeline composition which will do a search for each user making this script a little to slow for enviroments with a large number of users. Get-Mailbox is used to create a hashtable that allows the linking of the information that is returned by the Get-User cmdlet and what is returned by the Get-Mailboxstatistics.
To build display elements all the properties from Get-User are added to the Dropdown for Groupby type. When this is selected it fires a function that causes the data stored in the results hashtable to be regrouped using the selected value which then rebuilds the data in the datatable which in tern refreshs what you see in the datagrid. To spice things up a bit I've added some extra functionality like being able to get the actally mailboxes that are being included in the grouping in a seperate datatable. Also the ability to export both grids to a csv file. The final things to give this script some visual spark by adding a few Google charts to add a visual dimension to the summariesed data
The result is a script that produces a lot of quite interesting and at times slightly amsuing results. Eg being able to see grouped by first name who uses the most mailbox resources is kind of funny. You could go take this little further use the persons birthday to figure their star sign and then show mailbox size usage by signs of the zodiac.
(If your looking for OU its added as the last item in the Drop down list)
I've put a download of the script here the script itself looks like.
$form = new-object System.Windows.Forms.form
$usrinfo = @{ }
$ctab = @{ }
$agDepartment = @{ }
$agOffice = @{ }
$htAg = @{ }
$ExcomCollection = @()
function Aggresults{
if ($mtTypeDrop.SelectedItem -eq $null){
$agMethod = "LastName"
$agMethod = $mtTypeDrop.SelectedItem.ToString()
foreach ($row in $usrinfo.Values){
if ($row.$agMethod.ToString() -eq ""){
if ($htAg.containskey("Not Set")){
$htAg["Not Set"].Number = $htAg["Not Set"].Number + 1
$htAg["Not Set"].Size = $htAg["Not Set"].Size + [INT]$row.MailboxSize.ToString()
$mbcnt = "" | select Name,Number,Size
$mbcnt.Name = "Not Set"
$mbcnt.Number = 1
$mbcnt.Size = [INT]$row.MailboxSize.ToString()
$htAg.Add("Not Set",$mbcnt)
if ($htAg.containskey($row.$agMethod.ToString())){
$htAg[$row.$agMethod.ToString()].Number = $htAg[$row.$agMethod.ToString()].Number + 1
$htAg[$row.$agMethod.ToString()].Size = $htAg[$row.$agMethod.ToString()].Size + [INT]$row.MailboxSize.ToString()
$mbcnt = "" | select Name,Number,Size
$mbcnt.Name = $row.$agMethod.ToString()
$mbcnt.Number = 1
$mbcnt.Size = [INT]$row.MailboxSize.ToString()
$valueBlock = ""
$TitleBlock = ""
$TitleBlock1 = ""
foreach ($row in $htAg.Values){
if ($valueBlock -eq ""){$valueBlock = $row.Size.ToString()
$lval = [INT]$row.Size
else {
$valueBlock = $valueBlock + "," + $row.Size.ToString()
if ($lval -lt [INT]$row.Size){$lval = [INT]$row.Size}
if ($TitleBlock -eq ""){$TitleBlock = $row.Name.ToString().Replace("&","-")
$TitleBlock1 = $row.Name.ToString().Replace("&","-")
else {$TitleBlock = $TitleBlock + "|" + $row.Name.ToString().Replace("&","-")
$TitleBlock1 = $row.Name.ToString().Replace("&","-") + "|" + $TitleBlock1
$csString = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=p3&chs=430x160&chds=0," + $lval + "&chd=t:" + $valueBlock + "&chl=" + $TitleBlock + "&chco=0000ff,00ff00,ff0000,FFFFFF,000000"
$pbox.ImageLocation = $csString
$csString1 = "http://chart.apis.google.com/chart?cht=bhs&chs=530x300&chd=t:" + $valueBlock + "&chds=0," + ($lval+20) + "&chxt=x,y&chbh=a&chxr=" + "&chxr=0,0," + ($lval+20) + "&chxl=1:|" + $TitleBlock1 + "&chco=0000ff,00ff00,ff0000,FFFFFF,000000"
$pbox1.ImageLocation = $csString1
$dgDataGrid.DataSource = $agtable
function getMailboxSizes(){
$mbcombCollection = @()
$ExcomCollection = @()
$serverName = $snServerNameDrop.SelectedItem.ToString()
if ($snServerNameDrop.SelectedItem.ToString() -eq "ALL Servers"){
$mailboxes = get-mailbox -ResultSize Unlimited
$mailboxes = get-mailbox -server $snServerNameDrop.SelectedItem.ToString() -ResultSize Unlimited
$mailboxes | foreach-object{
"Finished Get Mailbox"
Get-User -recipienttype UserMailbox -ResultSize Unlimited | foreach-object{
if ($ctab.ContainsKey($_.Guid.ToString())){
$usrobj = $_ | select *,MailboxSize,ExchangeGUID,OU
$oustring = ""
$idarry = $_.Identity.ToString().Split("/")
for($i=1;$i-lt ($idarry.length-1);$i++){
$oustring = $oustring + "\" + $idarry[$i]
$usrobj.OU = $oustring
$usrobj.ExchangeGUID = $ctab[$_.Guid.ToString()]
$mbServers = get-mailboxserver
if ($snServerNameDrop.SelectedItem.ToString() -eq "ALL Servers"){
$mbServers | foreach-object{
$mscombCollection += get-mailboxstatistics -server $_.Name | Where {$_.DisconnectDate -eq $null}
$mscombCollection += get-mailboxstatistics -server $snServerNameDrop.SelectedItem.ToString() | Where {$_.DisconnectDate -eq $null}
$mscombCollection | ForEach-Object{
$usrobj = $usrinfo[$_.MailboxGuid.ToString()]
if ($usrinfo.ContainsKey($_.MailboxGuid.ToString())){
if ($_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB() -ne $null){
$usrobj.MailboxSize = $_.TotalItemSize.Value.ToMB()
$usrobj.MailboxSize = 0
function ShowMailboxes(){
if ($mtTypeDrop.SelectedItem -eq $null){
$agMethod = "LastName"
$agMethod = $mtTypeDrop.SelectedItem.ToString()
$mbtable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$mbtable.TableName = "Mailboxes"
$mbtable.Columns.Add("Display Name")
$mbtable.Columns.Add("Mailbox Size(MB)",[int64])
foreach ($row in $usrinfo.Values){
if($row.$agMethod -eq $agtable.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0]){
if($row.$agMethod -eq ""){
if("Not Set" -eq $agtable.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0]){
$dgDataGrid1.DataSource = $mbtable
function ExportGrid1csv{
$exFileName = new-object System.Windows.Forms.saveFileDialog
$exFileName.DefaultExt = "csv"
$exFileName.Filter = "csv files (*.csv)|*.csv"
$exFileName.InitialDirectory = "c:\temp"
$exFileName.ShowHelp = $true
if ($exFileName.FileName -ne ""){
$logfile = new-object IO.StreamWriter($exFileName.FileName,$true)
$logfile.WriteLine("DisplayName,Number of Mailboxes,Mailbox Size(MB)")
foreach($row in $agTable.Rows){
$logfile.WriteLine("`"" + $row[0].ToString() + "`"," + $row[1].ToString() + "," + $row[2].ToString())
function ExportGrid2csv{
$exFileName = new-object System.Windows.Forms.saveFileDialog
$exFileName.DefaultExt = "csv"
$exFileName.Filter = "csv files (*.csv)|*.csv"
$exFileName.InitialDirectory = "c:\temp"
$exFileName.ShowHelp = $true
if ($exFileName.FileName -ne ""){
$logfile = new-object IO.StreamWriter($exFileName.FileName,$true)
$logfile.WriteLine("DisplayName,Office,Department,Mailbox Size(MB)")
foreach($row in $mbtable.Rows){
$logfile.WriteLine("`"" + $row[0].ToString() + "`"," + $row[1].ToString() + "," + $row[2].ToString())
$agtable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$agtable.TableName = "Mailbox Sizes"
$agtable.Columns.Add("# Mailboxes",[int64])
$agtable.Columns.Add("Mailbox Size(MB)",[int64])
# Add Server DropLable
$snServerNamelableBox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$snServerNamelableBox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,20)
$snServerNamelableBox.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(80,20)
$snServerNamelableBox.Text = "ServerName"
# Add Server Drop Down
$snServerNameDrop = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$snServerNameDrop.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(90,20)
$snServerNameDrop.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(100,30)
get-mailboxserver | ForEach-Object{$snServerNameDrop.Items.Add($_.Name)}
$snServerNameDrop.Items.Add("ALL Servers")
# Add Agregate Type DropLable
$mtTypeDroplableBox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$mtTypeDroplableBox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(200,20)
$mtTypeDroplableBox.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(70,20)
$mtTypeDroplableBox.Text = "Group By"
# Add Mailbox Type Drop Down
$mtTypeDrop = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$mtTypeDrop.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(270,20)
$mtTypeDrop.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(135,30)
$properties = get-user -resultsize 1 | get-member -membertype Property
foreach ($prop in $properties){
# Show Mailboxs Button
$shMailboxes = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$shMailboxes.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(600,19)
$shMailboxes.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(120,23)
$shMailboxes.Text = "Show Mailboxes"
$shMailboxes.visible = $True
# Add Export Grid Button
$exButton1 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$exButton1.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(430,19)
$exButton1.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(90,23)
$exButton1.Text = "Export Grid"
# Add Export Grid Button 2
$exButton2 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$exButton2.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(750,19)
$exButton2.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(125,23)
$exButton2.Text = "Export Grid"
#add Picture box
$pbox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
$pbox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(550,360)
$pbox.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(500,220)
$pbox1 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.PictureBox
$pbox1.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,360)
$pbox1.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(550,370)
# Add DataGrid View
$dgDataGrid = new-object System.windows.forms.DataGridView
$dgDataGrid.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,50)
$dgDataGrid.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(530,300)
$dgDataGrid.AutoSizeRowsMode = "AllHeaders"
$dgDataGrid1 = new-object System.windows.forms.DataGridView
$dgDataGrid1.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(550,50)
$dgDataGrid1.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(450,300)
$dgDataGrid1.AutoSizeRowsMode = "AllHeaders"
$form.Text = "Exchange 2007 Group by Mailbox Size Form"
$form.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(1000,700)
$form.autoscroll = $true