Following on from my previous post on using MailTips and one of my other popular posts the FreeBusy board the following script creates an Out of office board that shows in one page peoples out of office status and if the out of office message is turned on it displays the OOF message for that user.Here's a quick picture of what it produces So how does it work it takes advantage of MailTips within EWS to get the OOF status of a user and what the OOF message is if its set. If you have a large number of users it batches the MailTips request in batches of 100 to ensure the request is successful. To get the list of users to query it takes advantage of using Remote powershell and uses the Get-Mailbox cmdlet. The following script is setup to work with Office365 but will work OnPremise as well if change around the remote powershell URL. The following variables are those that need to be configured to run this script $UserName = "" $Password = "passw...
Pushing the Envelope in Messaging and Office 365 Development