Voting button's in emails are one the long standing features of using Outlook with Exchange, in Exchange 2013 SP1 there is now support for responding to Vote requests with EWS . However there is still no direct support for sending a message with voting buttons in EWS, so in this post I'm going to show a method you can use to send a message with Voting Button in EWS by setting the PidLidVerbStream extended Property on a message which is documented in the . I used this property a few months back in another script for stopping ReplyAll on a message, this script uses much the same code with the addition of Hex values for the Voting options to include in the Message. Firstly each voting option you want to add uses the VoteOption Structure . This is reasonable straight forward eg $ApproveOption = "040...
Pushing the Envelope in Messaging and Office 365 Development