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Showing posts from April, 2015

Clutter Threshold and Probability Outlook form

Clutter is one of the new features in Exchange Online in Office365, while there is some really good info on how to use clutter the detailed info on how it works behind the scenes is a little harder to come by. There was a really good blog post recently  from one the Microsoft Research team that gives some good information on how it actually works using Infer.NET and Probabilistic Programming. With new features in Exchange come new MAPI properties and clutter in no different so we have these two new properties that get set on items Back in 2004 when SCL (SPAM confidence level) was introduced in Exchange 2003 Paul Bowden gave us this CFG trick to expose the SCL value in Outlook  . All these years later t...

Configure the default calendar view in OWA in Exchange 2013 and Exchange Online using EWS and Powershell

If you are after a higher level of control over the default setting in OWA, EWS offers you the ability to configure many of the default setting by modifying the FAI (folder associated Item) configuration item that controls that setting. One example of a setting that you can modify is the default view of the calendar in OWA  eg  the following setting When are user makes a change to this setting in OWA, the setting is stored in an FAI item with an Item Class of OWA.ViewStateConfiguration in a roaming dictionary property called CalendarViewTypeDesktop. The values for each of the setting are 1 = Day 2 = Week 3 = Work week 4 = Month The following script first checks to see if the OWA.ViewStateConfiguration config item exists (on a new mailbox if the user has never logged into OWA it probably wont exist). To use this script you run it with the name of the Mailbox you want to run it against and the value for the enum you want to use eg to...

Downloading a shared file from Onedrive for business using Powershell

I thought I'd quickly share this script I came up with to download a file that was shared using One Drive for Business (which is SharePoint under the covers) with Powershell. The following script takes a OneDrive for business URL which would look like This script is pretty simple it uses the SharePoint CSOM (Client side object Model) which it loads in the first line. It uses the URI object to separate the host and relative URL which the CSOM requires and also the SharePointOnlineCredentials object to handle the Office365 SharePoint online authentication. The following script is a function that take the OneDrive URL, Credentials for Office365 and path you want to download the file to and downloads the file. eg to run the script you would use something like ./spdownload.ps1 '
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

All code contained herein is provided to you "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind. The implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed.