Clutter is one of the new features in Exchange Online in Office365, while there is some really good info on how to use clutter the detailed info on how it works behind the scenes is a little harder to come by. There was a really good blog post recently from one the Microsoft Research team that gives some good information on how it actually works using Infer.NET and Probabilistic Programming.
With new features in Exchange come new MAPI properties and clutter in no different so we have these two new properties that get set on items
Back in 2004 when SCL (SPAM confidence level) was introduced in Exchange 2003 Paul Bowden gave us this CFG trick to expose the SCL value in Outlook . All these years later the same trick can be used to expose these Clutter properties in Outlook so when you do get a message in Outlook that you think should have been clutter you can see how close it was to being classified. eg in action
The details on the CFG file is we define 2 properties to show
These properties are PT_Double so the Mapi property type is x0005 which is why the type=5, and both properties are Named Properties
NmidPropSet = {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33}
NmidString = ClutterProbability
DisplayName = Clutter Probability
NmidPropSet = {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33}
NmidString = ClutterThreshold
DisplayName = Clutter Threshold
To use this CFG file you need to copy it into the same directory where the
files are located on Outlook 2013 that will be in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15\FORMS\1033
(or Program Files (x86) if you using the 32 bit version)
On 2010 it will be Microsoft Office 14
If you can't find the files just do a search of the hard disk for them (Sorry I don't have the rights to redistribute them).
Once you have the form in that directory you go through the same install procedure as just replace SCL with Clutter Extension Form. has also created a video on doing a CFG install which is quite good.
I've put a download of the file here the full file looks like
With new features in Exchange come new MAPI properties and clutter in no different so we have these two new properties that get set on items
Back in 2004 when SCL (SPAM confidence level) was introduced in Exchange 2003 Paul Bowden gave us this CFG trick to expose the SCL value in Outlook . All these years later the same trick can be used to expose these Clutter properties in Outlook so when you do get a message in Outlook that you think should have been clutter you can see how close it was to being classified. eg in action
The details on the CFG file is we define 2 properties to show
These properties are PT_Double so the Mapi property type is x0005 which is why the type=5, and both properties are Named Properties
NmidPropSet = {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33}
NmidString = ClutterProbability
DisplayName = Clutter Probability
NmidPropSet = {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33}
NmidString = ClutterThreshold
DisplayName = Clutter Threshold
To use this CFG file you need to copy it into the same directory where the
files are located on Outlook 2013 that will be in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office 15\root\office15\FORMS\1033
(or Program Files (x86) if you using the 32 bit version)
On 2010 it will be Microsoft Office 14
If you can't find the files just do a search of the hard disk for them (Sorry I don't have the rights to redistribute them).
Once you have the form in that directory you go through the same install procedure as just replace SCL with Clutter Extension Form. has also created a video on doing a CFG install which is quite good.
I've put a download of the file here the full file looks like
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 | [Description] MessageClass=IPM.Note CLSID={00020D31-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} DisplayName=Clutter Extension Form Category=Standard Subcategory=Form Comment=This form is used to expose the Clutter settings LargeIcon=IPML.ico SmallIcon=IPMS.ico Version=1.0 VersionMajor=1 VersionMinor=0 Locale=enu Hidden=1 Owner=Clutter ComposeInFolder=1 [Platforms] Platform2=NTx86 Platform9=Win95 [Platform.NTx86] CPU=ix86 OSVersion=WinNT3.5 [Platform.Win95] CPU=ix86 OSVersion=Win95 [Properties] Property01=ClutterProbability Property02=ClutterThreshold [Property.ClutterProbability] Type=5 NmidPropSet = {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33} NmidString = ClutterProbability DisplayName = Clutter Probability [Property.ClutterThreshold] Type=5 NmidPropSet = {23239608-685D-4732-9C55-4C95CB4E8E33} NmidString = ClutterThreshold DisplayName = Clutter Threshold [Verbs] Verb1=1 [Verb.1] DisplayName=&Open Code=0 Flags=0 Attribs=2 [Extensions] Extensions1=1 [Extension.1] Type=30 NmidPropset={00020D0C-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} NmidInteger=1 Value=1000000000000000 |