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Showing posts from September, 2018

Microsoft Teams Tab Application that uses the Graph API and Exchange FreeBusy Information

In my last post I went over the new Graph function called  getSchedule and how this can be used to get the FreeBusy information for a User (or Meeting Room, Resource Mailbox etc) and display that as a table like the schedule assistant in Outlook. In this post I'll show you how you can do the same thing in a Teams tab application which will give you an output something like the following The steps this app takes to display this is firstly Step 1. Authentication - The app authenticates to the Microsoft Graph API using the javascript ADAL using the silent Authentication flow for tab applications which is explained in detail here . Step 2 Get the Group Members - Once it has an Access-Token it then Gets the members of the current Team from the Graph by first getting the Id from the Context of the team currently in focus from the Teams Client SDK and then making a request to the Groups Endpoint Step3 Schedule Request ...

Getting FreeBusy information in the Graph API using the getSchedule action and putting it to use in PowerShell

One of the recent additions to the Graph API for Exchange in Office365 has been getSchedule action . What this action allows to do is get the FreeBusy information from one or more mailboxes in your Office365 environment. If your new to Exchange (or for those that have forgotten) FreeBusy information is essential what is used to produce the Schedule Assistant in Outlook and equivalent in OWA The above is built by Outlook using the EWS GetUserAvaliblity operation which is what the getSchedule action in the Graph is the equivalent of. GetUserAvaliblity has been in use in Outlook since Exchange 2007 where we went from using Public Folders to hold the freebusy information in previous versions to the Public Folder free utopia we have today. In the preceding years features such as Suggested Meeting times have been added to this EWS operation this feature is available in the Graph via the Graph i...
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