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Showing posts from May, 2019

Outlook Addin for exporting Email to EML from Outlook on the Web

One of the more interesting announcements from the recent Microsoft Build conference was the ability to get the MimeContent of Messages in the Microsoft Graph API . This is a much needed feature as it was something that a lot of people use in EWS application, it still comes with a few limitations the Graph has a 4GB underlying limit for REST and its export only at the moment so you can't import messages using it. One other thing is that its only in the Graph endpoint not the Outlook Rest endpoint so its not that easy to use from a Mail Add-in (without additional security config). One thing I do a bit when developing code for Exchange and Outlook is to look at the MimeContent of Messages as well as the MAPI properties using a MAPI editor like OutlookSpy of MFCMapi. T...

Auditing Inbox rules with EWS and the Graph API in Powershell

There has been a lot of information of late from security researchers and Microsoft themselves about Inbox rules being used to compromise workstations and for use in more pervasive security breaches. One of the more interesting one is is Which has a pretty nice EWS script for enumerating Rules, specifically they are looking for a Client side rule exploit so this script is enumerating all the Extended Rule Objects in the FAI collection of the Inbox. In Exchange you can have Server side rules which run regardless of the connection state of any client or Client only rules which only run when the client is connected for more information see .  So what the above...
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