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Showing posts from June, 2021

Using Batching to improve the speed of Contact creation in the Microsoft Graph

There's been a few contact creation scripts popup recently for the Graph API like this as well as a few questions on the forums around this topic lately. None of these examples and questions are taking advantage of using batching in the Microsoft Graph which will give you a significant uplift in performance vs the single request method when creating larger numbers of items and also help you a little around throttling. I've added a new post to my Graph 101 binder  on GitHub that includes an example of doing a CSV Contact import using batching and Service Principal Authentication   If your interested in a EWS version that can use larger batches (eg 60-100 contacts per request) I've also include an example on GitHub for this

Using Out of Office / automaticRepliesSetting with the Microsoft Graph with Service Principal Authentication

Out of Office (or automaticRepliesSetting) can be used for a vast number of different applications. For example in this Teams In/Out board   With the Microsoft Graph API there are two ways that can be used to get the automaticRepliesSetting either via the Mailbox setting Endpoint eg Or you can use MailTips which was the method i used in the Teams Apps eg eg When it comes to setting the OOF you must use the Mailboxsettings endpoint What is better ? for getting the OOF settings on a large number of users getmailtips because you can request up to 100 users in one request while if your batching Mailboxsetting you can only have a max of 20 user in a single batch. Permission and Authentication  One consideration for the Mailboxsettings endpoint is there is no ability to use Delegate permiss...
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

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