Outlook 2003 and OWA (Exchange 2003) have the ability to create and maintain White/Black lists that work in conjunction with the IMF to filter Spam.Now that I'm using the IMF to do my spam management theses personal white lists have come up as an issue. Sometimes its necessary to globally white list an address or domain for all users or upload a number of entries into one users whitelist or ensure that as new mailboxes get created any necessary white-list entries get created for users. So a script or programmatic way to do this becomes a bit of a necessity. From a server perspective the lists are all stored in a binary property on a message in the users inbox (junk E-mail rule), so you can use Exoledb and Webdav to get at this property but because its just a binary blob of data decoding and/or adding to it from a script would be quite hard (not that I didn't try).
One solution that I found that works is to re-use some OWA commands in a script using the XML parser (Microsoft.XMLHTTP). Q290591 describes a method you can use to post information to web pages using the XMLHTTP object. What you can do is take this and apply it to OWA, Eg: When you add users to the safe senders list in OWA it posts the following data to the web server.
For Safe Recipients its "addtotr=user@domain;" and for Blocked Senders it "addtojs=user@domain;" (I was so disappointed it wasn't addtobs ).
So to create a script that adds 3 entries to the Trusted Senders list and also enables the junk email filtering check box in OWA the script looks like below.
Note this only works if you aren't using FBA on your mailbox server,
xmlstr = ""
xmlstr = xmlstr & "Cmd=options" & vbLf
xmlstr = xmlstr & "junkemailstate=1" & vbLf
xmlstr = xmlstr & "cmd=savejunkemailrule" & vbLf
xmlstr = xmlstr & "addtots=user@domain;@domain1.com;@domain2.com;"
Set ObjxmlHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
ObjxmlHttp.Open "POST", "http://yourserver/exchange/yourmailbox/", False, "", ""
ObjxmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Accept-Language:", "en-us"
ObjxmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type:", "application/x-www-UTF8-encoded"
ObjxmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Length:", Len(xmlstr)
ObjxmlHttp.Send xmlstr
Wscript.echo ObjxmlHttp.responseText
One solution that I found that works is to re-use some OWA commands in a script using the XML parser (Microsoft.XMLHTTP). Q290591 describes a method you can use to post information to web pages using the XMLHTTP object. What you can do is take this and apply it to OWA, Eg: When you add users to the safe senders list in OWA it posts the following data to the web server.
For Safe Recipients its "addtotr=user@domain;" and for Blocked Senders it "addtojs=user@domain;" (I was so disappointed it wasn't addtobs ).
So to create a script that adds 3 entries to the Trusted Senders list and also enables the junk email filtering check box in OWA the script looks like below.
Note this only works if you aren't using FBA on your mailbox server,
xmlstr = ""
xmlstr = xmlstr & "Cmd=options" & vbLf
xmlstr = xmlstr & "junkemailstate=1" & vbLf
xmlstr = xmlstr & "cmd=savejunkemailrule" & vbLf
xmlstr = xmlstr & "addtots=user@domain;@domain1.com;@domain2.com;"
Set ObjxmlHttp = CreateObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP")
ObjxmlHttp.Open "POST", "http://yourserver/exchange/yourmailbox/", False, "", ""
ObjxmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Accept-Language:", "en-us"
ObjxmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-type:", "application/x-www-UTF8-encoded"
ObjxmlHttp.setRequestHeader "Content-Length:", Len(xmlstr)
ObjxmlHttp.Send xmlstr
Wscript.echo ObjxmlHttp.responseText