*****If your looking for a Exchange 2007/2010 solution have a look at this post http://gsexdev.blogspot.com/2008/04/exchange-permission-and-reverse.html ***** In April I posted this script that did a reverse lookup of mailbox permissions that had been assigned via Active Directory Users and Computers. This was to give a view by user of what mailbox’s a particular user had access to (instead of the normal view which is who has access to this mailbox). The second part of the permission story with exchange is the actually MAPI permissions that are set on each of the folders in a mailbox. When you delegate folders in outlook this will modify the rights of each of the folders that you delegate (eg calendar,contact,tasks). To view the Mapi permissions on a folder programmatically from a script there are a few methods that can be used the easiest way to do it is to use the Acl.dll from the platform SDK see KB240911 for details for more details. The basis of this article can be used to c...
Pushing the Envelope in Messaging and Office 365 Development