Continuing on from the other week I’ve been playing around further with the new Ajax interface for LCS communicator web access. Response bots are not only a lot of fun to play around with but can be a practical way of getting a little bit more out of an Instant messaging system. Like the send message script this script works by using the browser object to post and get data to the LCS Communicator Web Access server. The script is a little crude in some aspects for some reason the XML returned from LCS does seem to parse well so I’ve used a cruder text parse method to interpret the server responses. I have really only tested this in one environment so this logic may fall down in other environments where there are some differing variables.
The first section of the script logs on to the web access server using NTLM over https and most importantly retrieves the latestupdate id which must be posted with every request to the server. The reasons why you need to do this and how the timeouts work is all explained in the AJAX SDK which you can download. Do a search on “latestupdate” if you want more information on this. So after it retrieves the latest update it basically setups up a never ending loop where it continues to poll the server until the script is broken or a error is encounter.
When someone sends a message to the scripts LCS account the next time an update is polled via the script the message itself gets parsed from the message attribute which is part of the response. For this basic script it looks to see if the message is “what day is it”. If there is a match then it uses a few VB functions to get the weekday name and the send a message back to the IM session that initiated the question. To target the right IM session for the response the IM session ID must be parsed out of the response string and used in the LcwSendMessageRequest method. Like the send message script the cookie that is retrieved after logon must be sent with every request.
To run this script you first need to configure the following four variables at the top of the script
SipURI = ""
Servername = ""
userName = "domain\username"
Password = "password"
After you’ve configured the script all you need to do is start it from the command shell like
Cscript lcsrespbot.vbs
The script is very verbose and should return a lot of information back to the console while its running.
I’ve put a downloadable copy of the script here the script itself looks like
SipURI = ""
Servername = ""
userName = "domain\username"
Password = "password"
set req = createobject("microsoft.xmlhttp")
req.Open "GET", "https://" & Servername & "/iwa/logon.html?uri=" & SipURI &
"&signinas=1&language=en&epid=", False, Username, Password
reqhedrarry = split(req.GetAllResponseHeaders(), vbCrLf,-1,1)
for c = lbound(reqhedrarry) to ubound(reqhedrarry)
if instr(lcase(reqhedrarry(c)),"set-cookie:") then reqsessionID =
wscript.echo reqsessionID
chk = left(reqsessionID,36)
updatestr = "https://" & Servername & "/cwa/AsyncDataChannel.ashx?AckID=0&Ck=" &
req.Open "GET", updatestr, False, Username, Password
req.setRequestHeader "Cookie:", reqsessionID
latupdate =
while i <> 1
updatestr = "https://" & Servername & "/cwa/AsyncDataChannel.ashx?AckID=" &
latupdate & "&Ck=" & chk
req.Open "GET", updatestr, False, Username, Password
req.setRequestHeader "Cookie:", reqsessionID
wscript.echo req.status
if instr(req.responsetext,"div id=""exception""") then i = 1
oldlat = latupdate
latupdate =
wscript.echo req.responsetext
wscript.echo latupdate
if latupdate = "yTimeout" then latupdate = oldlat
if instr(req.responsetext,"message=""") then
Imid =
message =
wscript.echo "************************Message
wscript.echo message
wscript.echo "************************Message
wscript.echo Imid
exist = 0
if instr(1,lcase(message),"what day is it") then
SendMessage("Today is " & weekdayname(weekday(now())))
SendMessage("Im a little simple and can only answer the question what day is
end if
message = ""
Invite = ""
end if
function SendMessage(message)
' ---Send Message---
Sendmsgcmd = "https://" & Servername & "/cwa/MainCommandHandler.ashx?Ck=" & chk
Messagestr = "cmdPkg=1,LcwAcceptImRequest," & Imid "POST", Sendmsgcmd, False, Username ,password
req.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
req.setRequestHeader "Cookie:", reqsessionID
req.send Messagestr
wscript.echo req.status
Sendmsgcmd = "https://" & Servername & "/cwa/MainCommandHandler.ashx?Ck=" & chk
Messagestr = "cmdPkg=2,LcwSendMessageRequest," & Imid & "," & Message &
",X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Arial%253B EF=%253B CO=000000%253B CS=1%253B PF=00" "POST", Sendmsgcmd, False, Username ,password
req.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
req.setRequestHeader "Cookie:", reqsessionID
req.send Messagestr
wscript.echo req.status
end function
The first section of the script logs on to the web access server using NTLM over https and most importantly retrieves the latestupdate id which must be posted with every request to the server. The reasons why you need to do this and how the timeouts work is all explained in the AJAX SDK which you can download. Do a search on “latestupdate” if you want more information on this. So after it retrieves the latest update it basically setups up a never ending loop where it continues to poll the server until the script is broken or a error is encounter.
When someone sends a message to the scripts LCS account the next time an update is polled via the script the message itself gets parsed from the message attribute which is part of the response. For this basic script it looks to see if the message is “what day is it”. If there is a match then it uses a few VB functions to get the weekday name and the send a message back to the IM session that initiated the question. To target the right IM session for the response the IM session ID must be parsed out of the response string and used in the LcwSendMessageRequest method. Like the send message script the cookie that is retrieved after logon must be sent with every request.
To run this script you first need to configure the following four variables at the top of the script
SipURI = ""
Servername = ""
userName = "domain\username"
Password = "password"
After you’ve configured the script all you need to do is start it from the command shell like
Cscript lcsrespbot.vbs
The script is very verbose and should return a lot of information back to the console while its running.
I’ve put a downloadable copy of the script here the script itself looks like
SipURI = ""
Servername = ""
userName = "domain\username"
Password = "password"
set req = createobject("microsoft.xmlhttp")
req.Open "GET", "https://" & Servername & "/iwa/logon.html?uri=" & SipURI &
"&signinas=1&language=en&epid=", False, Username, Password
reqhedrarry = split(req.GetAllResponseHeaders(), vbCrLf,-1,1)
for c = lbound(reqhedrarry) to ubound(reqhedrarry)
if instr(lcase(reqhedrarry(c)),"set-cookie:") then reqsessionID =
wscript.echo reqsessionID
chk = left(reqsessionID,36)
updatestr = "https://" & Servername & "/cwa/AsyncDataChannel.ashx?AckID=0&Ck=" &
req.Open "GET", updatestr, False, Username, Password
req.setRequestHeader "Cookie:", reqsessionID
latupdate =
while i <> 1
updatestr = "https://" & Servername & "/cwa/AsyncDataChannel.ashx?AckID=" &
latupdate & "&Ck=" & chk
req.Open "GET", updatestr, False, Username, Password
req.setRequestHeader "Cookie:", reqsessionID
wscript.echo req.status
if instr(req.responsetext,"div id=""exception""") then i = 1
oldlat = latupdate
latupdate =
wscript.echo req.responsetext
wscript.echo latupdate
if latupdate = "yTimeout" then latupdate = oldlat
if instr(req.responsetext,"message=""") then
Imid =
message =
wscript.echo "************************Message
wscript.echo message
wscript.echo "************************Message
wscript.echo Imid
exist = 0
if instr(1,lcase(message),"what day is it") then
SendMessage("Today is " & weekdayname(weekday(now())))
SendMessage("Im a little simple and can only answer the question what day is
end if
message = ""
Invite = ""
end if
function SendMessage(message)
' ---Send Message---
Sendmsgcmd = "https://" & Servername & "/cwa/MainCommandHandler.ashx?Ck=" & chk
Messagestr = "cmdPkg=1,LcwAcceptImRequest," & Imid "POST", Sendmsgcmd, False, Username ,password
req.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
req.setRequestHeader "Cookie:", reqsessionID
req.send Messagestr
wscript.echo req.status
Sendmsgcmd = "https://" & Servername & "/cwa/MainCommandHandler.ashx?Ck=" & chk
Messagestr = "cmdPkg=2,LcwSendMessageRequest," & Imid & "," & Message &
",X-MMS-IM-Format: FN=Arial%253B EF=%253B CO=000000%253B CS=1%253B PF=00" "POST", Sendmsgcmd, False, Username ,password
req.setRequestHeader "Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
req.setRequestHeader "Cookie:", reqsessionID
req.send Messagestr
wscript.echo req.status
end function