This was another one from the mailbag this week somebody asked if it was possible to display the path to a public folder based on the SMTP address. There are a few approaches you could take for this one method is to use ADSI and WMI to do this. On exchange 2003 the Exchange_PublicFolder WMI class can be used to display a lot of information about public folders on an Exchange server (such as folder path etc). But one thing that isn’t stored is the smtp email address assigned to that folder these are stored on the AD object for that folder stored in the Microsoft Exchange System Objects container. So if you want to find the path to a folder using the WMI Exchange_Public folder class from a SMTP address you first want to use ADSI to query the Proxyaddresses AD attribute to find the AD object for that public folder. Then you can use one of two attributes to find the folder using a WMI query the first attribute you could use is the legacyExchangeDN which should correspond to the TargetAddress property in WMI. The other property you could use is objectguid which after you transpose it correctly should match the adproxypath in WMI. The one I chose to use was the ADproxypath (for reasons that may or may not become clear later).
To run this script it takes 2 command line parameters the first is an Exchange servername which will be used to make the WMI query.(this should be an Exchange server where there is an instance of the public folder you are looking for). And the second is the SMTP address of the folder you are looking for. Eg cscript showfoldv1.vbs servername
I put a downloadable copy of the code here the script itself looks like
Email = "smtp:" & wscript.arguments(1)
ExchangeServer = wscript.arguments(0)
Set rootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
domainContainer = rootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider = "ADSDSOObject"
conn.Open "ADs Provider"
LDAPStr = "<LDAP://" & DomainContainer & ">;(&(objectCategory=publicfolder)(proxyAddresses="
& email & "));adspath,objectguid;subtree"
Set rs = conn.Execute(LDAPStr)
If rs.RecordCount = 1 Then
End If
Function ConvertObjectGuidToString(ByVal arrRawObjectGUID)
Dim i, strByte
Dim arrObjectGUID(15)
For i = 1 To LenB(arrRawObjectGUID)
strByte = Hex(AscB(MidB(arrRawObjectGUID, i, 1)))
If Len(strByte) = 1 Then strByte = "0" & strByte
arrObjectGUID(i - 1) = strByte
ConvertObjectGuidToString = Join(arrObjectGUID, "")
End Function
Function transposeGuid(guid)
transposeGuid = "{" & mid(guid,7,2) & mid(guid,5,2) & mid(guid,3,2) _
& mid(guid,1,2) & "-" & mid(guid,11,2) & mid(guid,9,2) _
& "-" & mid(guid,15,2) & mid(guid,13,2) & "-" & mid(guid,17,4) _
& "-" & mid(guid,21,12) & "}"
end function
Function FindPublicFolderWMI(AdproxyPath)
Const cWMINameSpace = "root/MicrosoftExchangeV2"
Const cWMIInstance = "Exchange_PublicFolder"
strWinMgmts = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//"& _
ExchangeServer &"/"&cWMINameSpace
Set objWMIServices = GetObject(strWinMgmts)
Set objPubInstances = objWMIServices.ExecQuery ("Select * From
Exchange_PublicFolder Where adproxyPath='" & AdproxyPath & "'")
For Each objExchange_PublicFolder in objPubInstances
path = objExchange_PublicFolder.Path
FindPublicFolderWMI = path
End function
To run this script it takes 2 command line parameters the first is an Exchange servername which will be used to make the WMI query.(this should be an Exchange server where there is an instance of the public folder you are looking for). And the second is the SMTP address of the folder you are looking for. Eg cscript showfoldv1.vbs servername
I put a downloadable copy of the code here the script itself looks like
Email = "smtp:" & wscript.arguments(1)
ExchangeServer = wscript.arguments(0)
Set rootDSE = GetObject("LDAP://RootDSE")
domainContainer = rootDSE.Get("defaultNamingContext")
Set conn = CreateObject("ADODB.Connection")
conn.Provider = "ADSDSOObject"
conn.Open "ADs Provider"
LDAPStr = "<LDAP://" & DomainContainer & ">;(&(objectCategory=publicfolder)(proxyAddresses="
& email & "));adspath,objectguid;subtree"
Set rs = conn.Execute(LDAPStr)
If rs.RecordCount = 1 Then
End If
Function ConvertObjectGuidToString(ByVal arrRawObjectGUID)
Dim i, strByte
Dim arrObjectGUID(15)
For i = 1 To LenB(arrRawObjectGUID)
strByte = Hex(AscB(MidB(arrRawObjectGUID, i, 1)))
If Len(strByte) = 1 Then strByte = "0" & strByte
arrObjectGUID(i - 1) = strByte
ConvertObjectGuidToString = Join(arrObjectGUID, "")
End Function
Function transposeGuid(guid)
transposeGuid = "{" & mid(guid,7,2) & mid(guid,5,2) & mid(guid,3,2) _
& mid(guid,1,2) & "-" & mid(guid,11,2) & mid(guid,9,2) _
& "-" & mid(guid,15,2) & mid(guid,13,2) & "-" & mid(guid,17,4) _
& "-" & mid(guid,21,12) & "}"
end function
Function FindPublicFolderWMI(AdproxyPath)
Const cWMINameSpace = "root/MicrosoftExchangeV2"
Const cWMIInstance = "Exchange_PublicFolder"
strWinMgmts = "winmgmts:{impersonationLevel=impersonate}!//"& _
ExchangeServer &"/"&cWMINameSpace
Set objWMIServices = GetObject(strWinMgmts)
Set objPubInstances = objWMIServices.ExecQuery ("Select * From
Exchange_PublicFolder Where adproxyPath='" & AdproxyPath & "'")
For Each objExchange_PublicFolder in objPubInstances
path = objExchange_PublicFolder.Path
FindPublicFolderWMI = path
End function