Exchange mailbox permissions getting you down, don’t know who has access to who’s mailbox, rouge admins or legacy permissions or configurations keeping you up at night, can’t get any more the 500 horses out of the V8 under the bonnet. Okay seriously this is kind of rollup script of a lot of vbs scripts that I’ve posted over the past couple of years in regards to Exchange Mailbox, Send and Receive As, Store and delegated Admin rights. It enumerates permissions from Active Directory firstly from all Mailbox rights, Send and Receive As Rights for Exchange Users and then all Mailbox Store ACL’s and finally from the Root Exchange container in the configuration partition to work out the Rights that have been delegated for Exchange System Manager Delegation wizard. It adds all the permissions to ADO.NET datatables and does some calculations to work out first how many Implicit ACL’s have been added to exchange Mailboxes and how many users have been given send and receive as right to each mailbox. Then via the magic of Hashtables it does a reverse check for both Mailbox and Send as and Receive As rights so you can tell how many mailboxes a certain user account has been granted access to or has send or receive as rights. It then checks store rights so you can see which accounts have been give super user rights on each of your Stores or if your using Exchange 2007 you can see which accounts have been given impersonation rights on each of your stores. The finally check is the Delegated Admin rights check now this was a port of a VBS script I had for Exchange 2000/3 and while some of the permission maps the same in Exchange 2007 its doesn’t map fully the delegated rights in Exchange 2007 hope to fix this in the next version. To get the Mailbox ACL it uses the msexchmailboxsecuritydescriptor AD property which I posted a more simple demonstration type script last week for doing this in Powershell.
After the script has enumerated all the permissions it then builds a Winform and presents a little gui that shows all the totals in a datagrid. To see the individual ACL’s on a particular mailbox you need to select it (then select the type of ACL’s you want to see) and hit the show ACE’s button. The Permission Type box lets you choose between Mailbox, Store or Delegation objects.
This is version 1 hopefully when I have more time I’d like to add a snapshot function in the script so that it saves the permissions everytime it runs. Then whenever you run the script you’ll have the added functionality of being able to compare what permission changes that have been made between the different time points when you have run the script in the past. This turns it into to a pretty powerful little ongoing auditing tool. Also I’d like to add the ability to export to a csv file (I know more blog promises)
Because the script just uses Active directory via ADSI it should work in any Exchange 2000, 2003 or 2007 network from any workstation that has powershell installed.
I’ve put a downloadable version of this script here the script itself looks like
(Warning this script may cause global warming if you really are getting more then 500 horses out of the V8 under the bonnet that and the fact you leave my poor little 4 cylinder Honda in the dust)
function enumMailboxperms() {
$root = [ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE'
$dfDefaultRootPath = "LDAP://" + $root.DefaultNamingContext.tostring()
$dfRoot = [ADSI]$dfDefaultRootPath
$gfGALQueryFilter = "(&(&(&(mailnickname=*)(objectCategory=person)(objectClass=user))))"
$dfsearcher = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($dfRoot)
$dfsearcher.Filter = $gfGALQueryFilter
$srSearchResult = $dfsearcher.FindAll()
foreach ($emResult in $srSearchResult) {
$uoUserobject = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.directoryentry
$uoUserobject = $emResult.GetDirectoryEntry()
$emProps = $emResult.Properties
[byte[]]$DaclByte = $emProps["msexchmailboxsecuritydescriptor"][0]
$adDACL = new-object System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectorySecurity
$mbRightsacls =$adDACL.GetAccessRules($true, $false, [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
"Processing Mailbox - " + $uoUserobject.DisplayName
$mbCount = 0
foreach ($ace in $mbRightsacls){
if($ace.IdentityReference.Value -ne "S-1-5-10" -band $ace.IdentityReference.Value
-ne "S-1-5-18" -band $ace.IsInherited -ne $true){
$sidbind = "LDAP://<SID=" + $ace.IdentityReference.Value + ">"
$AceName = $ace.IdentityReference.Value
$aceuser = [ADSI]$sidbind
if ($ -ne $null){
$AceName = $aceuser.samaccountname.ToString()
if ($rvMailboxPerms.Containskey($AceName)){
$rvMailboxPerms[$AceName] = [int]$rvMailboxPerms[$AceName] +1
else {
If ($ace.ActiveDirectoryRights -band [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights]::CreateChild){
Mailbox Access",$ace.AccessControlType)
If ($ace.ActiveDirectoryRights -band [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights]::WriteOwner
-ne 0){
If ($ace.ActiveDirectoryRights -band [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights]::WriteDacl){
User Attributes",$ace.AccessControlType)
If ($ace.ActiveDirectoryRights -band [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights]::ListChildren){
mailbox primary owner of this object",$ace.AccessControlType)
If ($ace.ActiveDirectoryRights -band [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights]::Delete){
mailbox storage",$ace.AccessControlType)
If ($ace.ActiveDirectoryRights -band [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectoryRights]::ReadControl){
$srCount = 0
$Sendasacls = $uoUserobject.psbase.get_objectSecurity().getAccessRules($true,
$false, [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])|? {$_.ObjectType -eq
$Recieveasacls = $uoUserobject.psbase.get_objectSecurity().getAccessRules($true,
$false, [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])|? {$_.ObjectType -eq
if ($Sendasacls -ne $null){
foreach ($ace in $Sendasacls)
if($ace.IdentityReference.Value -ne "S-1-5-10" -band $ace.IdentityReference.Value
-ne "S-1-5-18" -band $ace.IsInherited -ne $true){
$sidbind = "LDAP://<SID=" + $ace.IdentityReference.Value + ">"
$AceName = $ace.IdentityReference.Value
$aceuser = [ADSI]$sidbind
if ($ -ne $null){
$AceName = $aceuser.samaccountname.ToString()
if ($rvSendRecieve.Containskey($AceName)){
$rvSendRecieve[$AceName] = [int]$rvSendRecieve[$AceName] +1
else {
if ($Recieveasacls -ne $null){
foreach ($ace in $Recieveasacls)
if($ace.IdentityReference.Value -ne "S-1-5-10" -band $ace.IdentityReference.Value
-ne "S-1-5-18" -band $ace.IsInherited -ne $true){
$sidbind = "LDAP://<SID=" + $ace.IdentityReference.Value + ">"
$AceName = $ace.IdentityReference.Value
$aceuser = [ADSI]$sidbind
if ($ -ne $null){
$AceName = $aceuser.samaccountname.ToString()
if ($rvSendRecieve.Containskey($AceName)){
$rvSendRecieve[$AceName] = [int]$rvSendRecieve[$AceName] +1
else {
foreach($key in $nmMailboxPerms.keys){
$rvSRRights = 0
$rvMbRights = 0
if ($rvMailboxPerms.Containskey($key)){
$rvMbRights = $rvMailboxPerms[$key]
if ($rvSendRecieve.Containskey($key)){
$rvSRRights = $rvSendRecieve[$key]
$rs1Table.Rows.Add($key, $nmMailboxPerms[$key],$nmSendRecieve[$key],$rvMbRights,$rvSRRights)
# write-host $nmSendRecieve
$dgDataGrid.datasource = $rs1Table
function showACL{
if ($ObjTypeDrop.SelectedItem -eq $null -bor $ObjTypeDrop.SelectedItem -eq
if ($AceTypeDrop.SelectedItem -ne $null){
"Mailbox-Rights" {$rows = $rsTable.Select("MailboxName = '" +
$rs1Table.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0] + "' And ACLType = 'MailboxRight'")}
"SendAs/ReciveAS-Rights" {$rows = $rsTable.Select("MailboxName = '" +
$rs1Table.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0] + "' And ACLType = 'SendAS-RecieveAS'")}
"Reverse-Mailbox-Rights" {$rows = $rsTable.Select("UserName = '" +
$rs1Table.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0] + "' And ACLType = 'MailboxRight'")}
"Reverse-SendAs/ReciveAS-Rights" {$rows = $rsTable.Select("UserName = '" +
$rs1Table.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0] + "' And ACLType = 'SendAS-RecieveAS'")}
default {$rows = $rsTable.Select("UserName = '" +
$rs1Table.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0] + "' Or MailboxName =
'" + $rs1Table.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0] + "'")}
$rows = $rsTable.Select("UserName = '" +
$rs1Table.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0] + "' Or MailboxName =
'" + $rs1Table.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][0] + "'")
foreach ($row in $rows){
$dgDataGrid1.datasource = $frTable
$rows = $msrTable.Select("DistinguishedName='" +
$msr1Table.DefaultView[$dgDataGrid.CurrentCell.RowIndex][3] + "'")
foreach ($row in $rows){
$dgDataGrid1.datasource = $fr1Table
function EnumMailStorePerms(){
$dse = [adsi]("LDAP://Rootdse")
$ERtbl = @{}
$ext = [adsi]("LDAP://cn=Extended-rights,"+$dse.configurationNamingContext)
$ext.psbase.children |% {
if ($ERtbl.containskey($_.rightsGuid.ToString()) -eq $false){
$root = [ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE'
$cfConfigRootPath = "LDAP://" + $root.configurationNamingContext.tostring()
$cfRoot = [ADSI]$cfConfigRootPath
$sQueryFilter = "(objectCategory=msExchPrivateMDB)"
$dfsearcher = new-object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher($cfRoot)
$dfsearcher.Filter = $sQueryFilter
$srSearchResult = $dfsearcher.FindAll()
foreach ($emResult in $srSearchResult) {
$soStoreobject = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.directoryentry
$soStoreobject = $emResult.GetDirectoryEntry()
$Storeacls = $soStoreobject.psbase.get_objectSecurity().getAccessRules($true,
$false, [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
foreach($ace in $Storeacls){
if ($ace.IdentityReference.Value -ne "S-1-5-7" -band $ace.IdentityReference.Value
-ne "S-1-1-0" -band $ace.IsInherited -ne $true){
$sidbind = "LDAP://<SID=" + $ace.IdentityReference.Value + ">"
$AceName = $ace.IdentityReference.Value
$aceuser = [ADSI]$sidbind
if ($ -ne $null){
$AceName = $aceuser.samaccountname.ToString()
if ($ERtbl.containskey($ace.ObjectType.ToString())){
$rights = $ERtbl[$ace.ObjectType.ToString()] + " " + $ace.ObjectType.ToString()
else {
$rights = $ace.activeDirectoryRights.toString()
$soServer = [ADSI]("LDAP://" + $soStoreobject.msExchOwningServer)
"Processing MailStore - " + $soServer
$sgStorageGroup = $soStoreobject.psbase.Parent
function enDelExchangeRight(){
$root = [ADSI]'LDAP://RootDSE'
$exRootPath = "LDAP://CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services," + $root.configurationNamingContext.tostring()
$exRoot = [ADSI]$exRootPath
$Storeacls = $exRoot.psbase.get_objectSecurity().getAccessRules($true, $false, [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
foreach($ace in $Storeacls){
if ($ace.IdentityReference.Value -ne "S-1-5-7" -band $ace.IdentityReference.Value
-ne "S-1-1-0" -band $ace.IsInherited -ne $true){
$sidbind = "LDAP://<SID=" + $ace.IdentityReference.Value + ">"
$AceName = $ace.IdentityReference.Value
$aceuser = [ADSI]$sidbind
if ($ -ne $null){
$AceName = $aceuser.samaccountname.ToString()
switch ($ace.activeDirectoryRights.GetHashCode()){
983551 {$drTable1.rows.add($AceName,"Exchange Full Administration")}
197119 {$drTable1.rows.add($AceName,"Exchange Administration")}
131220 {$drTable1.rows.add($AceName,"Exchange View Only Administrator")}
$nmMailboxPerms = @{ }
$nmSendRecieve = @{ }
$rvMailboxPerms = @{ }
$rvSendRecieve = @{ }
$Dataset = New-Object System.Data.DataSet
$rsTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$rsTable.TableName = "Mailbox Rights"
$Dataveiw = New-Object System.Data.DataView($rsTable1)
$rs1Table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$rs1Table.TableName = "ACL-Numbers"
$Dataveiw = New-Object System.Data.DataView($drTable1)
$drTable1 = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$frTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$frTable.TableName = "Filtered Mailbox Rights"
$fr1Table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$fr1Table.TableName = "Mailbox Store Rights"
$msrTable = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$msrTable.TableName = "Filtered Mailbox Store Rights"
$msr1Table = New-Object System.Data.DataTable
$msr1Table.TableName = "Mailbox Store Table"
$form = new-object System.Windows.Forms.form
$form.Text = "Exchange Permissions Gui"
# Add Show ACE Button
$shaces = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Button
$shaces.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(560,19)
$shaces.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(90,23)
$shaces.Text = "Show ACE's"
# Add Object Type Drop Down
$ObjTypeDrop = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$ObjTypeDrop.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(160,20)
$ObjTypeDrop.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(200,30)
$ObjTypeDrop.Items.Add("Delegated Exchange Admin")
"Mailbox" {$dgDataGrid.datasource = $rs1Table}
"Mailbox-Store" {$dgDataGrid.datasource = $msr1Table}
"Delegated Exchange Admin" {$dgDataGrid.datasource = $drTable1}
# Add Object Type DropLable
$ObjTypelableBox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$ObjTypelableBox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(20,20)
$ObjTypelableBox.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(150,20)
$ObjTypelableBox.Text = "Select Permission Type"
# Add Ace Type DropLable
$AceTypelableBox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.Label
$AceTypelableBox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(660,20)
$AceTypelableBox.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(80,20)
$AceTypelableBox.Text = "ACE Type"
# Add Ace Type Drop Down
$AceTypeDrop = new-object System.Windows.Forms.ComboBox
$AceTypeDrop.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(740,20)
$AceTypeDrop.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(200,30)
# Select Target Group Box
$OfGbox1 = new-object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
$OfGbox1.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(12,0)
$OfGbox1.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(520,75)
$OfGbox1.Text = "Select Permission Object Type"
# DACL Content Group Box
$OfGbox = new-object System.Windows.Forms.GroupBox
$OfGbox.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(550,0)
$OfGbox.Size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(450,75)
$OfGbox.Text = "Show DACL Contents"
# Add DataGrid View
$dgDataGrid = new-object
$dgDataGrid.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(10,80)
$dgDataGrid.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(520,500)
$dgDataGrid.AutoSizeRowsMode = "AllHeaders"
$dgDataGrid1 = new-object
$dgDataGrid1.Location = new-object System.Drawing.Size(550,80)
$dgDataGrid1.size = new-object System.Drawing.Size(450,500)
$dgDataGrid1.AutoSizeRowsMode = "AllHeaders"
$form.topmost = $true