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Showing posts from 2012

Multi Tabbed FreeBusy/OOF Board

In the past I've posted scripts for a Free-Busy Board and an OOF Board which uses the EWS Managed API and PowerShell. The following is a combination of the two that displays the OOFStatus of the user combined with their FreeBusy and Calendar Appointments in a Tabbed based output eg To build the list of Mailboxes to create the Tabs the script uses a Distribution list and the ExpandDL operation which will retrieve a collection of SMTP address's for the members of the group. It then uses the GetUserAvailblity operation and MailTips operation to build the output. To run the script you need to use the SMTPAddress of mailbox you want the script to run as and the SMTPAddress of the Distribution list to expand. eg fbooftabs.ps1 I've put a download of this script here the code itself looks like $tbRptSourceHeader =@ '   <!DOCTYPE html>   <html lang="en">   <head>   <style>   body...

Create an RSS feed of Exchange Items using any of the How To Series scripts

If you've missed my HowTo Series this year I've been demonstrating many different way's of getting, filtering and searching for Exchange data using Powershell and the EWS Managed API see the full list here . One of the fun things to do with scripting is to link this together with the other plethora of script's out in the world to do different things. Here one example of linking the How-To series script with an RSS feed script from the PoshCode repository The following script grabs the last 50 Items in the Inbox and creates an RSS feed of theses Item including Links to OWA for the Item and the Item's Body as HTML in the Feed details. I've put a download of this code here the script itself look like ###Code from    # Creates an RSS feed    # Parameter input is for "site": Path, Title, Url, Description    #...

Using eDiscovery to search mailboxes using EWS in Exchange 2013 (the new Exchange)

eDiscovery is one of the new features in Exchange 2013 that has been built on the top of new operations added in Exchange Web Services in 2013. While its very useful for ITPro's for handling legal discoveries and compliance issues, it opens up a whole new world for application developers building Apps that search Exchange Mailboxes. Like the AQS querystring that was introduced in Exchange 2010 the eDiscovery operations make use of the Exchange Search service's content indexes. There isn't much documentation around at the moment about how to use eDiscovery in EWS so this is just a dump of what I've learned so far. All up there are four new EWS operations for eDiscovery however the two that you will use most of the time would be. GetSearchableMailboxes Gets a list of mailboxes that the client has permission to search or perform eDiscovery on. SearchMailboxes Searches for items in specific mailboxes that match query keyw...
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

All code contained herein is provided to you "AS IS" without any warranties of any kind. The implied warranties of non-infringement, merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose are expressly disclaimed.