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Showing posts from June, 2015

Deleted Items Folder item type retention statistics script

This is a followup post to last weeks Mailbox Item type script based on a question somebody asked about the Deleted Items folder and retention of different item types. So what this script does is produces a more detailed ItemType report for all the Items in this case just in one particular folder the Deleted Items Folder. Instead of using a Search it just enumerates though all the Items in the target folder and uses some logic to calculate a few different statistics for Items in that folder. Here's the type of report it produces. So the script reports  on Total number of Items for each ItemType Total Size of Items per ItemType Oldest and Newest Received Date for each ItemType Using the PR_RetentionDate extended property (if its set) it works out the number of days left until the Item expires and then calculates the number of Items that will expire within 7, 7-14,14-30 and over 30 days (or not at all) for each ItemType.  To run the script you just enter the Mailbox...

Quick Mailbox Item Type eDiscovery Powershell script

One of the features of eDiscovery in Exchange 2013 and greater is the ability to do a search of Mailbox and just return the statistics on particular Items (or searches). This allows you to do a really quick search without the need to process any of the ResultSet of the Search.  To limit the Items types returned by an eDiscovery query you can use the kind Keyword property in a KQL query. The feature set of which has recently been updated  to now allow you to include Lync (or IM) items. So one little cool thing you can do with this using a multiple OR logic query with eDiscovery is get a quick list of the number of exchange Items by type in a Mailbox eg the KQL for this would look like "kind:email OR kind:meetings OR kind:contacts OR kind:tasks OR kind:notes OR kind:IM OR kind:rssfeeds OR kind:voicemail" and this would produce a report that looks like I've put together a sample of a script to d...
All sample scripts and source code is provided by for illustrative purposes only. All examples are untested in different environments and therefore, I cannot guarantee or imply reliability, serviceability, or function of these programs.

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